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Anonymous asked in SportsFantasy Sports · 7 months ago

Standard league: would you trade adam theilan and devonta freeman for devante adams? due to injury my starters are Robinson and gaskin at RB?

5 Answers

  • 7 months ago

    That is a tough one, Freeman broke out yesterday and theilan has been playing well. If adams is healthy, its a coin toss! Goodluck

  • 7 months ago

    If you can get Adams for those two, I would but I wouldn't take the deal from the other side. Freeman isn't worth it and you'd have to drop another player.

  • Anonymous
    7 months ago

    If you're starting Gaskin, you are just handing the game to your opponent.  It would be easier to just drop your pants and bend over.

  • Anonymous
    7 months ago

    Danny Dimes is the only productive runner for the Giants..Do it.

    (Adams will regularly outscore your 2 guys combined.)

  • 7 months ago

    I have no idea . It depends on what else you have at RB and WR.  Your 2nd sentence implies you're struggling at RB, so I don't know why you'd give one up, even Freeman.  Also, if it matters, Thielen should have a huge game tomorrow and Adams is on a bye.  If nothing else, I might wait, but I still have no idea on whether the trade is a good one.

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