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maps3333 asked in EnvironmentGreen Living · 5 months ago

Do you recycle?

What is the strength of your recycling? Do you only recycle in the street side bins or do you recycle more then what the street side bins offer?  Do you have any training?


why do you recycle?

15 Answers

  • Anonymous
    2 months ago

    Yes I recycle all that I can

  • ?
    Lv 7
    4 months ago

    Yes, I not only recycle, I cycle.  I cycle my recumbent tricycle every day.

  • Anonymous
    5 months ago

    The recycle plants love cardboard and aluminum. The rest is nonimportant to them. I recycle because there is a place to send recyclables to.

  • 5 months ago

    Yes I recycle all that I can

  • Anonymous
    5 months ago

    yes annoys my husband

  • Anonymous
    5 months ago

    Yes I have a

    Rubbish bin

    A Paper Plastic Glass Recycling Bin

    a Green waste Bin

    and I Use a Compost Bin

  • 5 months ago

    The usual...  I don't flush used motor oil down the toilet...  1 quart of used motor oil can spoil more than 300 sg. ft .of ground water and worse...   thx     and the fuel you make is even scarier...   I do still play with Aerosol cans...  and It's my fault that freon leaks out my GM vehicles... I didn't engineer the system, I enjoy the way the 4x4 goes through New England weather...    thank you for caring...   

  • Anonymous
    5 months ago

    Don't use the street bins- most of that is thrown away now since morons mix their trash in with it and China no longer is willing to buy our trash/recycling.    Have a pile of metal behind my house I take in by the truckload a few times a year.   Burn paper and reuse glass jars.

  • Anonymous
    5 months ago

    Yes, I do. I recycle all the items my city will pick up as part of their single-stream recycling program (some plastics, metal and aluminum cans, and paper/cardboard). Some other items I may recycle or re-purpose, if possible (e.g., plastic grocery bags). 

    FYI, questions about the respondents are chat violations here. 

  • 5 months ago

    Of course, I recycle. I'm not either stupid (some of my friends would debate that), short-sighted, or selfish. My county takes paper, cardboard, corrugated board, aluminum, and steel. They used to accept glass too. We don't have curbside recycling but I can drop off recyclables when I go into town to shop. In addition, most food scraps go to the chickens (some bones to the dogs) and mail or other paper that gets shredded gets used for chicken bedding. In the spring, that bedding gets shoveled out onto the compost pile, after the old compost gets dug into the garden.

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