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Chris asked in HealthMental Health · 5 months ago

Is my Mother scratching cause it feels good?

It's been about five years now that she moved in with me and two years since I quit my job to care for her fulltime.

I was scared cause someone I knew mentioned many years ago that her mother got aroused by being bathed.

No issues with that, but now she puts her hands down her pants and scratches.

I have powder (cornstarch) and barrier cream on her, she gets showers once a week when I get help and use Summer Eve on her.

She takes D-Mannose, my brother said a female friend of his said works to control UTI's?

She has Early Onset Dementia, possibly (most likely) Primary Progressive Aphasia.

Clearly I cant get answers from Dementia sufferers.

I want to know if,,,, How do I put it?

Do you care for anyone who still shows sexual urges?

My brother will NOT wash her in the shower.



1 Answer

  • Anonymous
    2 months ago

    If she takes any medications, it is possible that one of them might be the issue for the scratching. Many medications have many different side effects and some of them involve itching and or skin dermatitis. You might also consider making an appointment with geriatrician for her. They typically specialize in diagnosis and treatment for the elderly.

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