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What are your thoughts of having ADHD in a company logo?

The company is a home development company (HD) and the words before it have A and D, therefore the initials would be ADHD. One of our missions is to raise awareness for mental health and learning disabilities. So if you look at an ad or sign for home improvement and saw ADHD in the logo, what would you think? Would you call ?


So everyone read the 4 answer provided. I do have ADHD and so does my son.  I recently have been reading self help book. The ADHD Advantage being a really good one. A couple things I learned are that people really do associate ADHD as a completely negative condition. Part of the reason why I want to change that. My name starts with an A and my sons name start with an D and we both enjoying working with our hands, hence why it would be A and D Home Development (ADHD).     

6 Answers

  • Favourite answer

    No,honestly I wouldn't call.It just has negative connotations, and people seeing the logo wouldn't know right away that you support such causes.It may rather seem a strange logo for a home development company,and many people may not associate it correctly with your business.

    Just my opinion,I may be wrong.

    As an example,Yahoo has categorized your question under mental health,which may not be the most appropriate category.Similarly people may get the wrong idea of your business.

  • 4 months ago

    On the off chance that you don't actually have ADHD or most of your work power doesn't have ADHD you reserve no privilege to utilize ADHD in your logo. Neurodevelopmental problems make life damnation in an ableist NT world and we needn't bother with individuals piggingbacking off of our misery and certaining not for monetary benefit. I assume in case you're an 'ADHD parent' (you part prefer to feel frustrated about yourselves) you might be in a situation to bring issues to light about ADHD however you surely aren't in any situation to bring issues to light about psychological wellness issues or neurodevelopmental messes you have no insight of - we have enough to manage with Autism Speaks. I may have ADHD however I wouldn't confide in someone else with ADHD to do my home turn of events, we're not actually eminent for being speedy, recalling things or in any event, doing things securely a fraction of the time

    Source(s): On My profile
  • Anonymous
    5 months ago

    Pretty stupid..

  • ?
    Lv 6
    5 months ago

    I think you are 11 yrs old trying to sound like an adult.

  • Anonymous
    5 months ago

    If you don't personally have ADHD or the majority of your work force doesn't have ADHD you have no right to use ADHD in your logo. Neurodevelopmental disorders make life hell in an ableist NT world and we don't need people piggingbacking off of our suffering and certaining not for financial gain. I suppose if you're an 'ADHD parent' (you lot like to feel sorry for yourselves) you may be in a position to raise awareness about ADHD but you certainly aren't in any position to raise awareness about mental health disorders or neurodevelopmental disorders you have no experience of - we have enough to deal with with Autism Speaks. I may have ADHD but I wouldn't trust another person with ADHD to do my home development, we're not exactly renowned for being prompt, remembering things or even doing things safely half the time.

    Source(s): I'm proud to have both autism and ADHD and don't need NTs speaking for me or my community.
  • Anonymous
    5 months ago

    No. If the company wants to raise awareness they can sponsor events for a particular issue or donate money for research. Using that in your company name is just manipulative and uncreative.

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