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Trump bashers, have you done a year-end wealth analysis?  Do you even have any wealth to analyze?

In the past 6+ months my personal wealth has increased by 7.5% (47,000) which I consider fantastic, given the ravages of the virus.  In the next six months, I will be happy if I do not end up in the minus category.  You people made a huge mistake.

5 Answers

  • 4 months ago

    So 6 months ago you had $627,000 ??  {Possible if your house is skyrocketing up, or you made some lucky stock picks.}  Unknown at this time if the voters "made a mistake."

  • 4 months ago

    The DOW was up almost 2000 points this year.

    However......From 1/1 through 11/4, it was down over 500 points.  All of the gain has happened since 11/4.

    So, the entire year's gain happened after people realized that Trump was no longer going to be President.

  • Anonymous
    4 months ago

    unrelated to personal finance. And trump does not get the credit for your wealth.  I voted for him but I can move on. He is not going to overturn the election based on a small number of fraudulent votes.

  • 4 months ago

    Normally, I would consider 7.5% "fantastic".

    In 2019, my stock investments grew 32% and in 2020 about 28%.

    About 50% of my "wealth" is in real estate which has been stable in my area. 

  • 4 months ago

    Have you do a life expectancy analysis?

    The fact that you're still alive is enough reason to be happy -- but those who aren't, while they may also have had a wealth increase, are not happy; they are dead.

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