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Should Trump resign for the good of the country and the Republican party?

More and more people are leaving the Trump WH and some are starting to talk about how bad Trump actually is.  


Nixon did that. Even given his megalomania he did what was right for the country.

Update 2:

Good ol' Eugene.  Unencumbered by reality and rational thought.

3 Answers

  • joedlh
    Lv 7
    4 months ago
    Favourite answer

    My impression is that if you ask Donald Trump to do something for the good of the country you will get a blank stare in response. The very idea is alien to the way he thinks.

  • 4 months ago

    Sure they are.  Because the proof is not a requirement by a Democrat, right?  Are you happy that Biden is now in and we can start relations with Communist China?

    Attachment image
  • Anonymous
    4 months ago

    What took them so long? How did it take this long for them to figure out that Trump never gave a flip about policy!

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