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I have a Samsung Galaxy tab a and I'm not able to update Google drive why?

I cleared the cache deleted files and was able to update Facebook but not Google drive any help would be appreciated. TIA.


I have a Samsung tab a tablet. I have deleted the cache as well as uninstalled the app and reinstalled it yet the Google drive app will not work. The play store says it needs to be updated but it will not let me. The software has recently been updated.

1 Answer

  • ?
    Lv 7
    3 months ago

    You neglected to state which model you have.

    It may be that the Android version is too old for updates.

    Does the play store say it needs an update?

    Does it no longer function?

    You may need to uninstall then reinstall Google Drive.  Make a note of the currently installed version if the play store no longer supports your Android version.  You can download it from or  

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