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dvd/vhs for shows?

do they still sell blank VHS tapes for recording shows & Blank DVD's for dvd recorders for taping shows on regular DVD's NOT Blurays'

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 month ago

    I see them periodically at Goodwill .. 

  • 3 months ago

    The last factory producing new VHS tape was shut down years ago. 

    If you find any unused blanks at reasonable prices, buy them immediately.    

    Estate sales and thrift shops are good places to search. 


    Blank discs suited for standalone recorders are difficult to find these days.  

    Most of those you will run across are "computer" types 

    that probably won't work in most machines.     

    I have had the best luck with "printable" ones. They are totally opaque 

    because the label side has a fairly thick coat of paint on it.  


    Also, be sure that whatever you buy is capable of "1X" speed. 

    The package, and usually the disc, too, will clearly state that fact, 

    but sometimes it is in rather small print. 

    The majority of discs I have used successfully with my recorders 

    have been rated for 1X to 16X. 



  • 3 months ago

    ok thanks for you're answers i'll be checking Amazon!

  • Anonymous
    3 months ago

    I don’t think they make vhs tapes anymore. 

    You can still buy blank dvd. Amazon is probably your best shot. Best Buy might have it. 

  • Rey
    Lv 4
    3 months ago

    I believe they do but I haven't been to bestbuy in awhile. 

    Some people just switched to downloading torrents and placing them in USB drives.

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