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Lv 5
Funnel asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 month ago

Should we have separate graduations just between Whites and Blacks like Columbia University with their separate graduations with their?

six additional ceremonies for based on income level, Race, Ethnicities. They will hold separate ceremonies for Native, Asian, Latin ex, Black , and LGBTIAQ plus students. 

Do any Liberals remember when this was called segregation and your heads would just spin and spin and spiiiiiiiin about this? Even a lot of Rednecks agreed then and still do. But now, WTF? You grown up Libs need to check your kids. My point is if there were some separate white from Black anything you'd lose you damn mind but somehow if it's a Lib it's ok. You goofy people have no idea all the good you just threw away. 


Please explain the difference That Mexican. I'm stupid like that.

3 Answers

  • 1 month ago
    Favourite answer

    You point of the liberal hypocrisy very well

  • 1 month ago

    We went from segregation to Self-segregation. Liberals and associated left wing groups have been preaching for this for years. Mission Accomplished!

  • Anonymous
    1 month ago

    Blacks never graduated.

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