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Who had a lemon twist?


olive you put it on your ankle as it moves around your ankle you can hear the rattle of the lemon part filled with rattle stuff. Kinda like a hula hoop for your ankle. 

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2 Answers

  • 1 month ago

    It wasn't a lemon twist........but something like sisters had one........forget what the hell it was called though,  but exact same idea. 

    They had Romper Stompers, too.  and  Klik-Klaks......which probably sent more kids to the emergency room than any toy I can remember. 

    I found this.........I guess it was called a FOOTSIE Toy?  Thats the one my sisters had.   This oddly enough, also shows those killer Klik-Klaks.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 month ago

    No idea what that is. Oh ok I understand. Thanks for telling me

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