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Has anyone tried Biochar & what were your results?

I make mine out of oak wood heating pellets. Perfect size for a garden.

The moment then come out of the pyrolizer, they immediately get dumped into water and let them soak.

In the water I put some molasses and a bit of Epsom Salt.

When I had comfrey tea, I used that in the water.

I mixed them into the top 6-8 inches of soil at a rate between 5% and 10%.

I try to put mowed over leaves on the garden in the fall to leech more minerals for the pellets to soak up.

So far things seem average after a year.

Hoping this year my garden will 'explode' with productivity.

1 Answer

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 month ago

    This has nothing to do with Personal Finance.

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