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How many countries have you been to and where?

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 month ago

    I live in the US.  I've been to Canada, Mexico, Bahamas, England, and France. 

  • 1 month ago

    All of North America, most of Europe and the Caribbean and a couple of other places like Bermuda - about 60 countries so far

  • 1 month ago

    I have lived, studied, or worked long term in Afghanistan, Bosnia, Iraq, Kosovo, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Switzerland, and the United Arab Emirates in addition to the USA. I have lived outside the USA for almost a third of my life. 

    I have visited another 45 countries.  I am not gong to list them, but they are on every continent except South America and Antarctica.   

  • 1 month ago

    Wow, that's gonna be a long list. I have been to Europe at least 10 times, Malaysia i think more than 10 times a year and Australia (at least 10 times).

    I am from Singapore. I have been to India (4 times), Indonesia, Thailand (4 times), Phuket (6 times), Nepal, The States, Vietnam (3 times), Cambodia, Turkey, Uzbekistan.

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