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? asked in Games & RecreationHobbies & Crafts · 1 month ago

What is this coin?

Sorry for the blur. Can't find the name and origin of this coin. Thanks in advance!

Attachment image

4 Answers

  • 3 weeks ago

    It would have helped GREATLY if you could tell us what it SAYS on the coin, or show us the reverse, as well.   Off hand,  I'll take a wild guess at an old  French Franc. 

  • 1 month ago

    BOTH sides are needed, and the images must be clear. This image is of no help at all, except for that, to me, it looks like it might not be a coin at all, but a medal, which would be from a private mint in most cases. And identification of medals is usually a lot tougher than identifying coins.

    Try again with better images of BOTH sides.

  • 1 month ago

    Usually for coin identification you need a clear image of the front and back (obverse and reverse), so the writing may be read and other identifying marks are visible. 

  • 1 month ago

    thats a julius maximus succubus coin right there ma'am. 

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