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Did Biden speak to day?

Stock market indexes are down.  This has been happening when Biden makes any kind of speech.

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 month ago

    5 days ago the stock market hit it's all time high. You're so childish the chat/rant minutia you stoop to ... get out your report card. 

  • 1 month ago


    i no know to day

    but i do know the word today 

  • Anonymous
    1 month ago

    One minute people here are wondering when they get their stimulus check and the next minute worried about the stock market. This forum is so full of chit

  • Bill
    Lv 7
    1 month ago

    Biden doesn't have to stutter or trip to upset the market.

    Just sitting in his WH Oval Office studio in front of a teleprompter until he reads it right does enough damage.  Cut.  Cut.  Cut. Let's take it for the top people.  Take 117.

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