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Anonymous asked in Computers & InternetHardwareDesktops · 4 weeks ago

Is it worth going form an HD7970 3GB to 1650 4GB?

A friend of mine is willing to sell me his 1650 for $150 because he managed to get his hands on a 3060Ti. I think $150 is a really good price for a 1650 but I'm not entirely sure if the performance bump would be big enough to justify the purchase. 

I looked up on YouTube but couldn't find a direct comparison between the two cards hence the question. 


4 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    4 weeks ago

    From, what?                           

  • Lv 7
    4 weeks ago

  • 4 weeks ago

    internet search -- websites for gamers regularly publish relative comparision sites for gpus.  HOWEVER, it is easily possible that you'd get little out of the 1650 because your cpu can't supply it with pages to render fast enough.  this is called 'bottlenecking' and there are websites devoted to estimating that as well.  find one, input your system specs, assuming the 1650 is installed, and then ponder.  after that, you must consider whether your power supply is sufficient to run the upgraded box ... yup, another web search

  • 4 weeks ago

    Yes, the GTX1650 is around 50% faster. That's a good deal.

    Give is a couple of weeks to make sure the new GPU is working properly, then you could sell the Radeon to get some money back.

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