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Dems? What is going through your mind about the gun grab?

Hey Democrats? Ya know all those shiny new GUNS you just bought?

What goes through your mind when you hear Biden is going to ban most and eventually all of them?

Are you having 'voter's remorse' yet?

Don't think they will not come after YOUR guns.

The guns you just spent 100's and even 1,000's on.

Will you comply with the gun ban? Or what will you do?

"Our main agenda is to have all guns banned. We must use whatever means possible. It doesn't matter if you have to distort the facts or even lie. Our task of creating a socialist America can only succeed when those who would resist us have been totally disarmed."Sara BradyChairman, Handgun Control Inc, to Senator Howard MetzenbaumThe National Educator, January 1994, Page 3.

Which do you choose - freedom or slavery? Socialism is slavery, PERIOD. Don't bother arguing about what it is and isn't.

Those who hammer their guns into plowshares will plow for those who have not. - Jefferson

5 Answers

  • Try not to be so triggered.

  • Anonymous
    4 weeks ago

    I know how you feel . my mother took my blow up doll when i was 14 y/o .

    TheyR Tookin howar b;lowed uped dolls again 

  • 4 weeks ago

    liberals are so brain washed that they still call gun confiscation a conspiracy theory when a democrat (beto) at the highest levels of the party ran for president and campaigned on a policy of gun confiscation.

  • Anonymous
    4 weeks ago

    You can run but you can't hide.

    Attachment image
  • Anonymous
    4 weeks ago

    "Gun grab"? LOL! Is this the garbage that QAnon is feeding you fools?

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