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Lv 5
Funnel asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 3 weeks ago

So now they're coming after your dogs, too. Why is that?

Seriously Libs? Where are the Libs with common sense anymore? You've already wink wink thrown away those collector Dr. Suesse and Mr. Potato Head collectibles that will be worth a fortune later because of the history they represent. Are you now gonna watch your ''WAR DOG!" Rex give you that "WTF why are you sending me away?" look as you continue to conform? Do you really think it's the conservatives that don't care about you? See them poor little 3 and 6 yr old baby girls get dropped over the border fence as the cowards ran away and left them? Did that happen when Trump was in office? Or any other of this insane nutty sht? Do you really not see the insanity you voted for? This? This is somehow better? Kids in cages? You mean the one's Obama and Biden built that are now a mind boggling atrocity and national threat emergency under puppet Biden? In 3 mos they have weakened and are continually selling us out to China. And this are just a very few insanities of it. Your Dem leaders appointed a "person" that P/C? that wants to inject your little kids with some gender neutralizer so they won't have that pesky puberty. What happened to your outrage?  Are you that afraid of being stupidly called a racist? Ya think maybe CCP picked up on that along time ago? They are playing you away from the wonderful American freedom you don't even realize you have. At this point..had. 

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