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How old were you when you first installed computer hardware yourself?

 I was 12 I think. Or 11 or 13.Hard Drive and Sound Blaster?

5 Answers

  • Lv 7
    3 weeks ago

    do you mean hardware as in something external that you plug in, or an internal part, like RAM?

    and if the former, does a USB flash drive count, because technically, that is hardware, and although there are "autodrivers" to accomodate that now, back when i had Windows 98, 1st Edition, it did not come with them built-in, and i had to find a website that had them (this was before Google existed, too).

    if you were referring to the latter option, inside the PC, i didn't take that on till i was 19, and owned my own PC, which i bought used from the neighbors, with the paycheck from my first job. after playing around on the computer for a day or so, i had the whole PC torn down to it's tiniest part, before subsequently reassembling it fully. i had never done this before (nor had i any formal training on it), but it started up again after!

    if that doesn't count, then probably it would be the following year when i built my own PC.

  • 3 weeks ago

    rofl.  personal computers hadn't been invented yet when I was 12 -- not even the Heathkit build it yourself models.

  • 3 weeks ago

    In my early 20s, but that's because there was no such thing as home, or office, computers when I was younger.  You're idiotic questions makes it obvious that YOU give no account for peoples ages or what equipment was available to them.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    3 weeks ago

    Never heard of it

  • 3 weeks ago

    Maybe 15 when I installed a modem just to pirate games from other people through a BBS. 

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