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Why are you ******* still buying from 3rd party Assholes who buyout supplies and sell at 3 times the price?

My opinion, you're worse than the scalpers.

I've seen these people first hand, they have NO life, they have no jobs, but to **** over people.

Hotwheels at $5 a pop.

They will pay attention to when stockers go on break and open cases, then run to the checkout before anyone knows.

Get a ******* JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Scalpers offer Nothing to Society.

They didn't produce anything, anything at all.

They are just selling what should be available to others, but they buy them up and name the price, which is normally 3 times.

I only hope that the word "Scalper" is being tossed around enough to get the attention of law makers.

BTW, I wouldn't buy a PS5 till probably next year anyway, but I HATE scalpers.

2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    2 weeks ago

    Come suck me off Chris...**** YOU!!!

    Attachment image
  • 3 weeks ago

    You're a grown man, don't buy Hotwheels.

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