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Has anyone heard about Hillary Clinton's Military Tribunal?

She is supposedly in Gitmo standing trial in a military court for murder, treason, and a host of other criminal activities.


Was wondering if you heard about it, not what you thought about the source.

And what did you think about the information?

Hillary has not been in the news for a while.

It does lend some credibility to the claim.

4 Answers

  • 2 weeks ago

    Can't award fav answer because none of them are sufficient.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 weeks ago

    Have not heard about it.  Sounds like BS to me.

    There is ZERO credibility to the claim.  FFS she's doing an event in a week and routinely posting to her twitter.

  • 2 weeks ago

    You'd be better off posting articles from the Onion.


    Re: your update - It's not "information."  It's ridiculous BS.

    And nothing "lends credence" to it.

    Because it's ridiculous BS.

  • Anonymous
    2 weeks ago

    realrawnews dot com, what a trustworthy source. LOL

    Sweetie, no one has heard about it because it’s not true. The only ones dumb enough to lap up that bullsh!t fan fiction are Trump supporters like yourself.

    If your first thought when you hear “Hillary hasn’t been in the news for a while” is “Hillary must be under a MILITARY TRIBUNAL,” your mind is truly demented and broken.

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