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Am I working too much ?

At the moment I have 3 jobs. I work Monday & Tuesday 8am-4pm, Wednesday 9am-3pm and then Thursday/Friday/Saturday 2am to 10am. 

I have been very tired and don’t really have a lot of time to do anything after work. From next week I will be working Monday to Friday 8am-4pm but my mum is trying to get me to continue 1 of the other jobs and work Friday Saturday 2am-6am. 

I don’t really want to do it as I am just tired and want to relax but I want to know if my mum is asking too much of me. I know everyone has different circumstances and I am blessed that I have a job right now. I would just like to hear people’s opinions on this 

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 week ago

    Is it really worth it?  Sounds like you're burning yourself out for no good reason at all.  Why not work more hours at a single job?  You're taking on more than you can handle and spreading yourself too thin at all 3.  Probably not a single one of those jobs considers you a reliable person as a result.  You should invest your time in doing one thing and doing it well.  IME, not many employers prefer someone who can only work 1-3 days per week over someone who can work any day of the week.

    The only valid reason to do what you're doing is if you're trying to acquire new skills for a career change but only for a very short burst of time.  You can't sustain such an exhausting lifestyle forever.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 week ago

    It's not that you're working too much, it's the hours shift between going to work at 8 am versus 2 am. It alters your sleep schedule but not long enough for you to acclimate to it.  My choice would be to drop the Wednesday.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 week ago

    sounds like you are

  • Rick B
    Lv 7
    1 week ago

    Why are you working three jobs????  Work ONE job.  Three part time jobs with no benefits or OT???  

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