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Mr drivers license was suspended but I just got it back, if i buy a car will I be able to get insurance with a suspension on my record ?

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    7 days ago

    Yes, but only with certain companies and a greatly increased premium.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    7 days ago

    Yes but it will likely be expensive.  You may have to use a "pool" (high risk pool) to buy insurance which is also expensive with restricted limits . 

  • Anonymous
    1 week ago

    Sure. Suspension is over I am assuming?  You can get a car no problem and insurance,(but it depends if your suspension COST your insurance company to pay out any money - if they had to bend over and cough up, then your insurance rate will go up some. You were a bad boy. That is the penalty. Hits you in your wallet. If it did not cost the insurance a penny, then it will be regular insurance.  They do not care about your familiarity with the "Cop shop".  The cops dinged you and you had to pay the City for your infraction.(that is where cop shop money goes to)

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 week ago

    You sure will be able to get insurance.  It just might not be cheap, depending on two things.

    When insurance companies factor licence suspensions into their rates, they look at two things:  How long the suspension lasted (which you didn't say), and exactly why you were suspended (which you didn't say).  

    If your licence was suspended for two days because you forgot to renew it, that's a whole lot different than a judge suspending your privileges for 24 months because you were convicted of drunk driving causing death. 

    See how it works?  It's all about those pesky little technical details.

  • 1 week ago

    Yes.  But chances are you will be charged higher rates.

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