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Am I emotionally unfulfilling to my husband? ?

My husband got engaged in secret while he was married to me, I forgave him. Then he is having an affair with someone he told me was giving him advice on our marriage. I grew suspicious when the texting went on all day and night. I was told that I shut him down whenever he wants to do anything fun and that it’s all my fault because I am not emotionally fulfilling him. That it’s all my fault. I’ve been nothing but supportive and loving to him, what should my next steps be?

7 Answers

  • 1 week ago
    Favourite answer

    Getting engaged to someone else WHILE married is simply a sign of tremendous disrespect towards marriage. In general. Likely not specific to you. It was horrifically disrespectful to the person who thought they were engaged to him as well. Rather a general swath of disrespect. 

    He's seeking the companionship of others. He's TOLD YOU that you are not emotionally fulfilling for him. He's lousy to the other people he seeks the companionship of. Basically, you've got a husband who is lousy at the job. I would suggest you remove him from the position. 

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 week ago

    I'd be consulting an attorney, a divorce lawyer, to protect my share of the assets and making plans to move on.

  • d j
    Lv 6
    1 week ago

    Show him the door. 

  • i + i
    Lv 7
    1 week ago

    You can NEVER be emotionally 

    fulfilling to someone like that. No 

    matter what or how much you do, 

    it will never be enough, or just not 

    quite what they imagine they need... 

    or he is simply just lying to you and 

    turning things around in order to not 

    take responsibility for his actions. 

    Either way, your next step should 

    be to get rid of him... you deserve 

    someone much better in your life. 

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 week ago

    I can't even get past the part where you were ok with it when you only thought some woman was giving him advice on your marriage. That is not ok even if he hadn't been having sex with her. I find it hard to believe you are for real since the obvious "next steps' were time to divorce him during his first "engagement"

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 week ago

    your husband is a sex addict. kick him to the curb and tell him to get help.

  • 1 week ago


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