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Anonymous asked in Computers & InternetComputer Networking Ā· 1 week ago

Where do Beautiful šŸ¤© girls hang out online? Iā€™ve searched the edge of cyberspace?

Iā€™ve searched the vast edge of cyberspace and even the mysterious charter web looking for the place beautiful šŸ¤© girls hang out online.

I tried a hidden search engine called grep.geek which can only be accesssed by using special open nic dns servers and requires a closed shell system.

I tried a hidden site called 192.Chan which didnā€™t have many pretty girls posting there.

Where online to beautiful šŸ¤© girls hang out? Where online do they find fat acne ridden gamer boys attractive?


I found some secret VPNs and networks as well as a secret hacker social network but didnā€™t find a place where beautiful šŸ¤© people congregate, let along a place where beautiful ā˜ŗļø Girls entertain us gamer boys

1 Answer

  • Anonymous
    1 week ago

    They DON'T .......

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