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What are the cryptic 'Partner Links' at the bottom right of my Yahoo account details?

Partner Account Links:

# ymsgr,konfab: Unlink

'ymsgr' is presumably Yahoo! Messenger and may have something to do with sharing my Contacts with Messenger, I suppose, but 'konfab' means nothing to me!

What does it do or not do if I click 'Unlink'?

(If you don't know, don't bother to answer ... do yourself a favour!)

1 Answer

  • 1 decade ago
    Favourite answer

    I'm not sure where you're looking, but ymsgr is clearly Yahoo Messenger.

    Konfab is likely to be konfabulator. The desktop webapp software that Yahoo bought last year and became what is now the Yahoo! Widget Engine. I much preferred the old name Konfabulator though...

    Also not sure about the unlink because I can't find the page your looking at - let me know and I'll have a look...

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