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Would you find this disturbing?

I am asking this question in this forum as my counsellor recommended I ask it somewhere neutral to see what responses I get.

Because I was abused as a child, I decided to try and express that in a way that was a bit outside the box. I bought a doll who I was trying use as a physical representation of myself that I could take to therapy to show my counsellor how that part of me feels/felt.

I wrote words on the doll like shame, disgust, hate, pain, dirty etc. I had an outfit on the doll that covered this up and I explained how this also showed that whats on the inside and outside can be very different.

My Counsellor said it was very disturbing to do this, that it was somehow abusive, that she wouldn't leave her children with anyone who could do this, that it would be seen my outsiders as something that wasn't ok.

what is your opinion? Keeping in mind it was only to be used to take to therapy with me. I would appreciate as many responses as possible.


12 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favourite answer

    I think your therapist is the one who needs to be open-minded. He doesn't sound very educated either. I work with very young, abused children and dolls are one of the tools we use to get the child to show us, without telling us, what they have experienced.

    I LOVE the idea of writing the words on the doll then covering them up. You are right, it's a perfect example of how you feel. Children do keep these emotions bottled up and sometimes don't even recognize them. You know and recognized these feelings because you have thought about it and that tells me you are trying to heal.

    Sorry but your counselor is the one who is disturbing. S/he certainly does not sounds like s/he has had much training in psychology. Trust me, a trained therapist would never dream of saying something like this. Find another counselor, this person is way out of touch.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    It sounds like a good way to express your true feelings. I cannot understand why it's disturbing when it represents how you feel inside and, as you have said, inside and outside can be quite different.

    If the words you wrote on the doll were written on the doll's clothes, and those clothes could then be discarded and thrown away, never to be seen or worn again, how liberating would that be. All the best.

  • 10 years ago

    I think you should look into getting a different therapist. I think it was out of order and mostly unprofessional to tell you she wouldn't leave her children with you. I think you should tell her boss what she said to you, she shouldn't be saying things like that to the people she is supposed to be helping.

  • Nic213
    Lv 4
    10 years ago

    Your councellor is not very good.

    He/She should be more supportive of what you were trying to express.

    I would reccommend that you get a different councellor.

    This councellor isn't going to help you much.

    By saying that it was disturbing shows your councellor isn't equipped for a situation like this.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    I think you need to find a different therapist! After all you are seeing her to help you deal with what happened to you, not to be criticized!

    Sometimes it can be hard to express how you are feeling in words, and what you did is perfectly ok.

  • 10 years ago

    My opinion is get your self a different Counsellor!

  • 10 years ago

    Try a different Theripst.

  • 10 years ago

    I don't think it's that creepy really. Why is everyone spelling counselor, or counseling, with 2 l's?

  • 10 years ago

    let her know that's why yo'ure in counselling..........and that you had wanted this to be used for her to understand what you went through*

    all the best*

  • J
    Lv 7
    10 years ago

    a little bit but open your mind to her

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