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Is there a distinction between Christianity and religion?


The term religion describes human practices—practices of worship, of cultic involvement, of belief in a god, and of obeying certain rules that come from the god or gods.

There is a religious aspect to Christianity. We do worship, and we are involved in certain human activities, such as prayer and Bible studies and devotions. Our religious practices are similar to the practices of other religions. But Christianity is much more than a religion; it is LIFE.

Update 2:

@Redeemed by the Blood of the Lamb Yes I do take very much notice of Ceisiwr`s answer because I know this is a person that have never known Christ, but he think he has. He is in the risk of the condemns in Hebrews. Those who know the truth, but disconnect.

16 Answers

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago
    Favourite answer

    Whilst it is true that Christianity involves certain religious practices, religion itself is powerless to save anybody. Lots of people are religious, and lots of people are spiritual, but that does not necessarily mean that God is pleased with them, or that their religion is acceptable to God.

    This is discussed in Romans 1:18-32. Paul is making a clear distinction between Christianity and the various religions that flourished during the first century.

    "The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness..." "For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images..." "They exchanged the truth of God for a lie" and "they did not retain the knowledge of God."

    "Idolatry is the worship of something that, in fact, is not God. The worship of idols involves the practice of religion. This is exactly what Romans 1 is speaking about; God is not pleased by any and all types of religious activity. Our religious activity may at times be insulting to God. Christianity itself can degenerate into being merely a religion; that is, it can have the external formal activities and sociological practices without the substance that motivates all these things—a profound love and devotion to God himself and a profound trust in Christ's work."

    The difference between Christianity and religion is that the former is a way of life - a life that is devoted to doing the will of God. Lip service and outward symbols of devotion don't count. A believer has to be born again, or born from above, and the evidence of such a transformed life is that the believer produces the fruit of God's Spirit.

    Religion might make a person feel good, and a person might sincerely believe they are practicing the one and only "true" religion. But if that religion does not glorify God and does not give thanks to God, the immortal Creator, then that religion is worthless.

    Religion does not save. Only Christ Jesus saves.

    Source(s): A.R.C. Sproul
  • 7 years ago

    Is there a difference between religion and christianity? Of course there is a huge difference. Christianity is a a faith the Lord spoke the Word and we beleive that the Word of God is truth, Our forefathers all were led by faith, The Lord spoke to them and they obeyed and followed His Word, so it is with christianity Christ made the Lord God of Israel known to us, and so we believe that His Word is truth.

    Whereas religion one goes to church because their parents went to church, they sing oout of the same book, like a ritual every Sunday, they observe Christmas without thinking about the meaning of it, observe Easter the same way, and this is called religion going to any churh whether the heart is involved or not, s they give lip service and think their duty is done. never mind the homeless, or praying for the coming of the lord since we beleive by faith that Christ will return as His Word is true.

  • Dee D
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    Yes there is a distinction! Christianity derives from the name Christ Jesus, and that is to be made over, or Born Again in His likeness.

    Religion is the search for God with man-made ideas and rules of how to reach Him. God has shown us the answer in how to get to Him, and that's only through faith in His son Jesus Christ. (Acts 4:12)

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Jesus came to shut down the religious system that God himself had set up; because RELIGION doesn't work.

    Think of it this way: a parent has rules for their children. The parent HATES the rules. The rules are in place because little children do not understand greater concepts like LOVE and PEACE. When the children grow up, they ditch the rules, but keep the essence of them and know the reasons behind them are meant to keep peace and love in the house. They don't need the rules anymore.

    The RELIGIOUS people killed Jesus (because their system was threatened by him). They hated that they were losing control of the masses.

    A few generations after Jesus' death, some people took his teachings and made a whole NEW religion around it and called it 'Christianity'. They completely missed the point.

    It was never about setting up a new religion. Jesus came to get us into an intimate personal relationship with our creator. If you let him, he will turn the Almighty God into your 'Dad' for you.

    Don't be a lazy historian. Your very soul is on the line - and you are responsible for the outcome of your life based on what you choose to do this day.

    EDIT: Wow. Sorry. You weren't really looking for counsel were you? since you answered yourself.

  • Yes; Christianity is a subset of religion; much like 3 and 4 are subsets of the numbers 1-10.

  • Clive
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Obviously, Christianity is A religion. Christians believe in and worship God, therefore they are religious.

    You may think that it is more than a religion, but believers in every other religion will say the same thing about theirs. In that respect, Christianity is nothing special.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Christianity is one of many religions.

    There are also some Christians who claim that "Christianity isn't a religion, it's a personal relationship with Jesus," but since their churches continue to take tax breaks meant for religions and claim protection as a religious institution, it's pretty obvious that's just insincere posturing.

  • 7 years ago

    Huh? Christianity is a religion. That's like asking if there's a distinction between a grilled cheese and a sandwich.....

  • 7 years ago

    Some people seem to think that they have rejected "religion" in favour of forming "a personal relationship" with God or with Jesus. And someone came up with "No religion; know God", which I suppose is somewhat catchy.

    However, for me religion means beliefs relating to the supernatural, and any behaviour associated with those beliefs. So despite what they say, as far as I can see you also have a religion even though you deny it.

    There are some sects or denominations that call themselves "Non-Denominational". But...if it makes them happy...

  • 7 years ago

    Buddh uhh sm, Baha'i, Hinduism, is Ljubljana am, are other religions.

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