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I need advice on how to wire up some LEDs?

I'm trying to custom wire up a toy plane for a nephew, and I'm not the best at knowing exactly what I need for the wriing. Specifically if theres a certain way I have to do it, and what resistors to use (and where).

So I could do with someone who knows what they're talking about to help out?

So theres a hatch at the back I'll be able to take a battery pack in and out of.

Inside, I'll need (LED sizes based on best guesses as to what will fit - don;t know if they actually exist in these sizes):

two large lights, maybe 1cm wide each, and two smaller - roughly 4mm wide LEDS.

They're be a further 2x 4mm LEDs on each wing.

And at the front, 4x 4mm wide LEDs, and 4x 2mm wide LEDs.

A further 1cm wide light on the top, and one on the bottom.

So 18 lights of various sizes in total.

Whats the best way to do this?


3 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    That sounds like a really cool project. They have blinking LED's that might look cool for the lights on the wings etc. You really need to educate yourself on LED's and selecting the proper resistor. It is not that hard and involves only simple math or use an online calculator. There is lots of good info online. You probably will need to wire all these in parallel with a specific resistor for each LED. This can be done by running two wires from the battery compartment out to each led. The resistors can be in the battery compartment to simplify wiring. 24 gauge wire will be easy to run and plenty big enough for the current load. A small spool of two conductor zip type wire will have two colors so that you can keep the polarity straight.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    You can go to hell.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago
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