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Did you know that you do not need an agency to apply for a visa to Canada?


There have been a lot of immigration agencies advertising here. One recently claimed to be the only agency that can issue Canadian visas.

2 Answers

  • 3 years ago
    Favourite answer

    Yes. I have been recommending the people wanting to come to Canada NOT to use agencies for years.

  • 3 years ago

    It seems citizens of certain countries in particular want consultants or agents to do the work for them, and/or get them a visa when they do not qualify for one - i.e. they want help committing visa fraud. And those consultants scam them, scam consulates, etc. Participating in these scams is grounds for visa denial, or revocation with deportation/mandatory departure, and permanent bar to entry.

    E.g. 1,076 foreign students from one country who used a fraudulent "education consultant" to get student visas to the US had their student visas revoked with deportation & permanent bar to entry. They are lucky they didn't get sent to prison first, as committing such fraud can get them a lengthy stint in prison for such fraud.

    Not only does nobody need a consultant or agent to apply for a visa, they can be permanently barred from a country for using one. That's Fraud! Canada has denied student visas to tens of thousands of Indians for using a "consultant." Not counting those from other countries, likewise denied visas & barred. And they are permanently barred from Canada.

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