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magix151 asked in PetsDogs · 3 years ago

Groggy dog?

I took my dog to get spayed this morning. ( 9-10) I had gone to get her this afternoon like they said, but she was still extremely groggy. The woman said they had to give her more anesthesia because she wouldn't go to sleep. The vet came and looked at her, said she was just still very groggy from it, so they are keeping her. The vet reassured me that she if fine, and they are keeping her over night to sleep it off. Has this happened to anyone else? I have never had this happen before.

2 Answers

  • 2 years ago
    Favourite answer

    If your dog is still sleepy, they should keep it to see if it gets more sleepy or more alert over time. If it gets more sleepy, they may need to administer more medication. To do that, the dog must be in their care.

  • 3 years ago

    You said

    “So, you reject women based on physical appearance instead of getting to know them as people? maybe that's why they think you're gay. You prefer to be with guys who bash women for how they look. Get a life. Not all women are interested in you.

    magix151 · 2 weeks ago

    I’m replying on his question with

    “Uh, us women go for guys based largely on personal appearance all the time. Hence the obsession with Chris Hemsworth, Chris Evans, Brat Pitt; Johnny Depp and Channing Tatum. Girls even have threads talking about how they only date guys with big muscles or guys over 6 feet. Why do you think us women can be shallow but men can’t? That’s weird and unfair.”

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