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Lv 7

can anyone tell me why filling a simple prescription can take all day?

especially when itvis prexboxed! there is not even anything for them to countvoit. how hard is it to take the box off the shelf and put it in a bag? am i missing something? i realize they have to track inventory, and i am not the only customer, but seriously, what is the hold up?

3 Answers

  • Erik
    Lv 7
    10 months ago

    They want to make sure it's you, and that the prescription is legit.  Plus they're not in a hurry.  Maybe cause they deal with old people so much.

  • Anonymous
    10 months ago

    They also have to get the authorization from your health insurance company.

  • 10 months ago

    Did you ask them or enquire if you needed it sooner?

    They may not have had what you needed in stock and had to have it transferred in from another pharmacy.

    They may have had to consult with your doctor over a refill.

    They may be short staffed or backlogged on orders.

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