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? asked in TravelUnited StatesAustin · 2 months ago

I am thinking of moving out of state but am kinda broke and don’t have a job?

I am deeply considering moving out of San Diego California to Austin Texas for a wide variety of reasons (values, cost of living, etc.) The thing is I currently don’t have a job and don’t have much in savings. I would need to save up for many months before I could move away. I don’t know if I should get a job in San Diego and then ask if I could start working remotely at the beginning of next year(I was thinking of moving in January 2022) or if I should look for jobs in Austin Texas and ask if I could work remotely For the rest of 2021 so I could save up money? Thoughts? 

2 Answers

  • 2 months ago

    You'd need to get a job before you could move. 

    If you don't have any income currently, it probably makes sense to get a job where you are now, then save up. When you're ready, you can start looking for a job there, and ensure you've got the money to move. 

  • 2 months ago

    San Diego and Austin around very similar.

    San Diego is traditional California Republican = economic conservative, social moderate, able to understand common sense.

    Austin is the opposite....

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