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We're going vegan lower my cholesterol?

My cholesterol has been consistently high and my doctor wants to put me on medication. I eat a lot of meat and pork so I'm cutting that all out now just eating vegan with fish here and there. But this lower my cholesterol or is it wishful thinking.

15 Answers

  • 2 weeks ago

    Some people have familial hypercholesterolaemia, which means they just do secrete a lot of cholesterol.  If you're not one of these people, it would probably help, yes.  But you are misusing the word veganism.

  • 3 weeks ago

    Dietary cholesterol has very little effect on blood level cholesterol

    I eat meat at least 2 meals a day and have most of my life and at 69 my cholesterol numbers are well within the normal range

  • 3 weeks ago

    Medications will waste you more than cholesterol does,avoid them if you can.Heres what can be done:1)Drop fat animal foods-pork etc,its they what makes your cholesterol level high.Take in safer foods instead,soya is vegan but tastes more meaty than all other vegetation.2)Exercise with what you like to do sport with,but no pressing yourself into what you do not like to do!

  • 4 weeks ago

    It will help.

    You'll also want to eat whole grains and exersize.

  • Anonymous
    4 weeks ago

    Your diet has only limited effect on your cholesterol level and you really need to look at and address all factors.

    However, reducing your intake of fatty foods like fatty meat, hard cheese, cream and butter should help. So too should eating more fruit, vegetables and oily fish.

    You might find that following a largely vegan diet will help you but an ordinary omnivorous diet that avoided those foods that can increase cholesterol would be just as good.

  • 4 weeks ago

    If you eat a consistantly plant based diet, your cholesterol will go down. But~~ Keep in mind, cholesterol isn't just in meat and meat products. Most any packaged item will have cholesterol in it. Read the labels even if what you are buying is plant based. 

  • ?
    Lv 7
    4 weeks ago

    Maybe. Research has shown that, for most people, dietary cholesterol doesn't have much effect on blood cholesterol levels. Your body makes cholesterol. If you eat more, your body makes less.  It's a genetic thing. Losing weight will likely help.

  • 4 weeks ago

    just try it and see and then you'll know

  • Anton
    Lv 6
    4 weeks ago

    Most of the cholesterol in your body is formed by your body -- diet is minor.

    If you want to lower your cholesterol, exercise.  An hour a day.

    You should only eat about 4 ounces of meat a day.  Too much is bad, none is worse.

  • Anonymous
    4 weeks ago

    You CAN lower your cholesterol by altering your diet. It's not wishful thinking. Just look at labels for the percentage of daily saturated fat and cholesterol. You'll soon learn what is high or low in fat.

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