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  • What does "Not Registered On Network" mean ?

    Every time I make a phone call with my cell phone, I get a caption that says "Not Registered On Network" . I paid good money for phone service, so I shouldn't be getting that . What does "Not Registered On Network" mean ? How do I get my cell phone service restored ? Thank you in advance for your answers .

    2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 week ago
  • Who can be a trustee ?

    After my mother died, I had to put the money I inherited from her into a trust fund so I could receive Social Security Disability  ( Don't judge me ) . After my brother died in 2003, I was able to buy a condo . The lawyer who settled my brother’s estate put my condo in my trust fund’s name . The trustees I have now are going too far and overstepping their authority and they insisted I move out of my condo so they could sell it . I absolutely hate moving, and I want to live in the same house on the same street in the same town until the day I die ! I want to replace my trustees . My current trustees are the only trustee service in town . My friend Marcia believes only another trustee service can take over . When I set up this trust fund, my lawyer asked me “Do you want your brother or your father to be your trustee ?” . My therapist said he used to be a trustee for one of his relatives . There are 28,190 people in my town . Do you mean to tell me in all those people, nobody can replace my trustees ? 

    2 AnswersPersonal Finance2 weeks ago
  • Can a bus line give out information on their passengers ?

    My roommate, Sam, is planning to take a bus to Texas in August . Sam's Sister, Sharon, came unglued when she found out Sam's planning to go alone . Sam's an adult and he's able to do whatever he wants . Sam has has an hour layover and has to change buses close to were Sharon lives . Sam wants to get through that period of time without being criticized by Sharon .  Would Sharon be able to call her local bus station and find out when Sam's bus is coming in ? Can a bus line give out information on their passengers ? Thank you in advance for your answers .

    5 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation4 weeks ago
  • Who decides which classes in school are required ?

    When I was a young boy living in Twin Oaks, a student at Twin Oaks High School was required to take Biology . My family and I moved to Green Valley when my brother was in high school and I was in seventh grade . We were living in the same state, but  Twin Oaks is in Mayfield County and Green Valley is in Granberry County . After a few months, I said "Now that we're living in Green Valley, I might not have to take Biology !" . My mom said "Yes, you do ! Now that's decided by the State Board of Education, so you have to take it no matter where you go in the state !" . My brother's friend was familiar with the classes the students at Green Valley High School were required to take, so he said "No, you don't ! You can, but you don't have to !" . NOW -- If the State Board of Education doesn't decide which classes in school are required, who does ? Who decides if the students in Mayfield County have to take Biology and the students in Granberry County don't ? Who decides which classes in school are required ?  Thank you in advance for your answers .  

    7 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education1 month ago
  • How do I get a court order ?

    My roommate, Sam, and I were evicted from my condo ( long story ) . My trustees want to list it for sale . My trustees pulled a few illegal manuevers, and I have a court document that says this condo is for my use during my lifetime, not until further notice . I want to get a court order preventing them from selling my condo . NOW -- how do I get a court order ? Do I really need a lawyer ? I'd rather not represent myself, but every lawyer i talk to has an excuse to hand the problem to somebody else . Thank you in advance for your answers  

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 month ago
  • Is this a bad question to ask ?

    My roommate, Sam, and I were evicted from my condo last August  ( long story ), and we've been staying with our friend Marcia and her husband . Sam and his therapist have been having their weekly sessions over the phone . Yesterday, Sam's therapist asked him "When are you going to get into another apartment ?" . Marcia said she shouldn't have asked that question and it's none of her business . I say a therapist should keep an eye on the progress their patients are making, so she has to ask that "When are you going to get into another apartment ?" . The only answer Sam and I can give people is "We're on the waiting list for one apartment building, and we'll move in when we move in !" . Who's right ? Was that a bad question ? Doesn't a therapist should keep an eye on the progress their patients are making ? Thank you in advance for your answers . 

    8 AnswersEtiquette1 month ago
  • Why can't I sign into this website ?  Why won't this website load ? ?

    I have an account on a website where you can write whatever you want, save it, and add to it later . I saved a bunch of notes for a letter to a friend of mine . Lately when I sign into this website, instead of loading like it should, a little green circle spins around and around . I can't work on my letter . I have to watch this little green circle spin around and around . That's all I can do . Basically, I can sign into this website, but I can't sign into this website . Watching this  little green circle spin around and around isn't much fun, and I feel disgusted because I can't work on my letter . I feel like this little green circle is going to spin around and around forever . I can't even copy and paste my notes into my e -- mail account or a word processing document . Why can't I sign into this website ?  Why won't this website load ? How do I get my laptop to respond ? Do I have to have my laptop looked at by a repairman ? Thank you in advance for your answers . 

    Other - Internet1 month ago
  • Why do I get a caption that says "This page is not responding ." ? Why don't my pages respond ?

    Whenever I work on my laptop, I get a caption that says "This page is not responding ." . When you're working on a computer, your pages are supposed to respond . Why do I get a caption that says "This page is not responding ." ? Thank you in advance for your answers .

    3 AnswersNotices and Errors1 month ago
  • If our minimum wage goes up, doesn't our cost of living go up as well ?

    This question concerns my friends Marcia and Lacey . Marcia read where the government of Sweden wants a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage . I said "They'll have extreme inflation !" . Marcia said I was buying into Republican propaganda, and she said "Trickle down economics doesn't work !" . That money has to come from somewhere . We keep hearing that when people get paid more money, their employers have to charge more money for their goods and services, and that leads to inflation . Am I wrong ? What does trickle down economics have to do with anything ? Does what Marcia believes have any basis in reality ? President Biden is campaigning for a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage . If our minimum wage goes up, won't our cost of living have to go up as well ? Thank you in advance for your answers . 

    5 AnswersPolitics2 months ago
  • Don't extra government programs mean higher taxes ?

    This question concerns my friends Marcia and Lacey . Lacey found a Facebook post about all the government -- funded programs in Europe like free college tuition and free medical care . It said "Our leaders keep telling us we can't have these programs like these in the United States ." . I said "Their taxes have to be 160% !" . Marcia said I was buying into Republican propaganda . Lacey said "Most of our tax money goes into our elected officials' pockets !" . Am I wrong ? Don't extra government programs mean higher taxes ? I'll never say our elected officials are especially honest, but are the leaders of European countries any better ? Having to round up your own money to pay for your own college tuition causes a lot of problems, but is government -- funded college tuition really the answer ? Having to round up your own money to pay for your own medical care causes a lot of problems, but is government -- funded medical care really the answer ? Why should I pay for strangers to go to college ? Why should I pay for strangers to get medical care ? Isn't a society where everybody pays for everybody else's living expenses dysfunctional ? Why don't we work toward a society where everybody makes enough money to pay for their own college tuition and medical care ? Thank you in advance for your answers . 

    7 AnswersOther - Politics & Government2 months ago
  • If you list a house for sale, is it legal to take it off the market later ?

    My condo is owned by my trust fund . The money in my trust fund has to be spent on expenses for my condo . My trustees insisted I move out of my condo so they could sell it . They told me to go rent an apartment .  I want to change trustees . If my trustees listed my condo for sale, could my next trustees take it off the market ? Thank you in advance for your answers .

    7 AnswersRenting & Real Estate8 months ago
  • Why couldn’t I charge these people with theft ?  Why isn’t this unreasonable search and seizure ?

    My condo is owned by my trust fund . Marcus is my exterminator, so he comes in and sprays my condo once a month  . Frank is Marcus’ assistant when he needs one . My trustees insisted I move out of my condo . They gave me until August thirteenth to move everything I own out . Anything that was left would be thrown out . That’s is an ultimatum that’s only appropriate for a mentally retarded person .  An intelligent person would naturally want to move everything out on the same day . I had the movers come on August thirteenth, and they ran out of time halfway through . They took a lot to my storage room, but they left a lot behind . My condo property has an extra garage for storage . On August fourteenth, I went back to my condo and put a lot of things in the extra garage . My roommate arranged for our friend to take his bed and his recliner to my storage room on August fourteenth . I spent the day at my condo on on August fourteenth, and nobody came around to clear it out .  My roommate and I spent the day at my condo on on August fifteenth, we moved a lot of things out, and nobody came around to clear it out . On August sixteenth, we went back to my condo and we found Frank and a few other people moving out everything that was left ( Marcus was NOT involved ) . He had a lot of my things in his trailer ready to be thrown away . I looked through everything on his wagon and kept what I wanted . Frank and his men put everything I wanted to keep in my garage .

    8 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police8 months ago
  • Who can be a trustee ?

    I have a trust fund . My condo is owned by my trust fund . My trustees have been going too far and overstepping their authority for years, and I want to replace them . Can I have a friend or a relative be my trustee ? All the relatives I have left are cousins . Who can be a trustee ? Thank you in advance for your answers .

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics9 months ago
  • How often do you replace your shower curtain liner ?

    As far as I know, my parents never changed their shower curtain liner or their bath mat . My roommate claimed our shower curtain liner and bath mat were "getting gross", so he bought a new shower curtain liner and a new bath mat . I didn't see where they were so bad . This is the kind of bath mat that keeps you from slipping and falling in the shower . I figured he bought something he didn't need to buy . There were other things we could have used that money for . How often do you replace your shower curtain liner or bath mat ? How do you know when it's time to replace your shower curtain liner or bath mat ? Thank you in advance for your answers .

    15 AnswersOther - Home & Garden11 months ago
  • Are the stars at night really big and bright deep in the heart of Texas ?

    Are the stars at night really big and bright deep in the heart of Texas ? Is the prairie sky really wide and high deep in the heart of Texas ? Do the coyotes really wail along the trail deep in the heart of Texas ? Do the rabbits really rush around the brush deep in the heart of Texas ? Do the cowgirls really cry, "Ki yippee yi!" deep in the heart of Texas ? Do the dogies really bawl and bawl and bawl deep in the heart of Texas ? Is the sage in bloom really like perfume deep in the heart of Texas ? Does it really remind you of the one that you love deep in the heart of Texas ?

    3 AnswersSociology11 months ago
  • Why don’t people in our society let other people know if they’re available ?

    I never know if a woman is available . In Hawaii, if a woman wears a flower behind her left ear, she’s married or unavailable . If she wears a flower on the right side, she’s single and possibly looking for love . A 1944 article in Life magazine claimed that in Louisville, Kentucky, a “man – hater” wore a yellow ribbon in her hair, and a girl who wore a white ribbon in her hair is taken . In Dallas, Texas, a bow on the top of a girl’s head meant she wants a boyfriend . A girl who wore a bow worn in the back of her head wasn’t interested in men . A girl who wore a bow worn on the right side of her head was in love, and a girl who wore a bow worn on the left side of her head was going steady . I think people should wear name tags . If you’re married or otherwise taken, you’d have a red line on your name tag . If you’re single and available, you’d have a green line on your name tag . If you’re taken, you don’t like being approached, and if you’re available, you don’t like being left alone . Why don’t people in our society somehow let other people know if they’re available ?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating11 months ago
  • Why should a woman say "I'm not thinking of getting married !" ?

    If you look on the internet, you can find a magazine article from 1958 titled “129 Ways To Get a Husband” . # 82 was "On the first date, tell him you aren't thinking of getting married !" . If she's looking for a husband, why should she say "I'm not thinking of getting married !" ? Why can't she be honest and say "I want to get married !" ? Isn't being dishonest a bad place to start a relationship ? If a woman has been wanting to get married ever since she was a little girl, or if she decided to get married and than went looking for a husband, I have to know that about her . If a woman says "I'm not thinking of getting married !", won't she make a bad girlfriend, a bad wife, and a bad mother ? If she says "I'm not thinking of getting married !", won't she hate being married ?

    6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce11 months ago
  • Is there anything to body language ?

    When I was in high school, I watched an episode of a TV show where a teenage girl read a book about body language . Body language was an important subject in this episode . When I saw this episode, I thought “Can you understand body language without reading a book about it ? I’ve never read a book about body language, so I don’t know anything about it !” . I read an article that said if you’re as a social situation, like a bar, you should check out everybody’s body language to decide who to approach . How should I know anything about body language ? For that matter, what if you’re not attracted to the person with the right body language ? My roommate claims our neighbor down the street doesn’t like him . He says he can tell by “her actions, her attitude, and her body language” . I say “If I don’t know anything about body language, how should he ?” . I think he's full of bunk ! I don’t think he knows what he’s talking about . I keep asking myself “What does he know about body language ?” . He had a bad head injury at one point, so he’s easily confused . I’ve never studied French . I know a few French words, so I can put together a sentence in French, but I can’t speak or understand it . I’ve never studied Spanish . I know a few Spanish words, so I can put together a sentence in Spanish, but I can’t speak or understand it . My theory is “I’ve never studied body language, so I shouldn’t be able to understand it .” . Is there anything to body language ?

    6 AnswersLanguages11 months ago
  • How serious is COVID -- 19 ?

    Everybody talks about the coronavirus, bur there's not much information about it . How serious is it ? Is COVID -- 19 like AIDS or Lou Gehrig's Disease where you have to lay down and die, or can you recover ? Thank you in advance for your answers .

    7 AnswersRespiratory Diseases1 year ago
  • I need a hand with my story ... ?

    Three of my characters are a nineteen year old girl named Priscilla, her twenty – nine year old boyfriend named Brad, and her eighteen year old brother named Rex . Priscilla doesn't think material things are very important . Rex is a “pack rat” who likes to collect things . Priscilla thinks Rex is too devoted to material things . Priscilla's priorities are volunteering and doing housework and yard work for senior citizens . She thinks Rex should get interested in volunteering . In my story, Priscilla said "I wish Rex would sell everything he owns and donate the money to charity !" . Brad asked "Why is that ?" .

    Some answers Priscilla could give are --

    1 ) “Material things are bondage ! If Rex sells everything he owns, he'll know complete freedom !” .

    2 ) “Everything he owns that he doesn't really need is a link in a chain that enslaves him ! Acts of charity are the key to set him free, and freedom is its own reward !” .

    3 ) “Material things interfere with him volunteering and being a servant !” .

    4 ) “Jesus Christ told somebody to sell everything he owned and give the money to the poor !”

    5 ) “Rex has it so easy ! He SHOULD give a hand to people who aren't so lucky ! Besides, the best thing anybody can do with their money is donate it to charity !” ?

    6 ) “Material things don’t make your life better -- in fact they distract you from what you really should be focusing on – your loved ones !”

    6 AnswersBooks & Authors1 year ago