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Favourite answers30%
  • can someone help me compare ASAP!!!?

    so here is a website with two products of modems. Which one is better if i have windows 7 and 8. also what is the difference between the interfaces???

    2 AnswersSoftware7 years ago
  • Problem with Hangouts?

    hey guys, i have a problem with my Nexus 5. my plan allows me to send photos so i never tried to send it until a few days ago. It said i couldnt and that i had to retry the photo. I just couldnt send the picture. I did some research and a lot of people had this same problem. Someone said they sent a pic using data. I tried to use my data to send a pic and it worked. The problem is i need my data and i dont want to waste it sending pics.

    DO I HAVE TO USE DATA TO SEND MY PHOTOS/SMS??? Is there another way to send photos????

    Does anyone else have the same problem???

    Thank you

    1 AnswerMobile Phones & Plans7 years ago
  • Clash of Clans Question?

    So basically I broke my phone screen and it is unfixable. I am currently using my tablet. I will be busy so I wont be able to get my new phone for maybe a week or so. I wanna ask if I should transfer my clash of clans account to my tablet and then wen I get my new phone, transfer it again? Is that allowed, to transfer in a short period of time twice.

    Thanks in advance

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games7 years ago
  • Any Good phones out?

    Hi i need a phone that has a lot of storage space, I would prefer external AND internal storage and I would prefer not to have iphones because of previous experience. Any good current phones with external memory(place to put microsdcard)


    Thanks in advance

    2 AnswersMobile Phones & Plans7 years ago
  • How to get rid of pop up ads?

    So basically, pop up ads repeatedly come and there is this search engine called v9 that keeps taking over Google. How do I get rid of this stuff. I tried many things to get rid of v9 but it keeps coming back. Any help will be appreciated

    2 AnswersSecurity7 years ago
  • NBA GM 2014 fan codes- anyone??? first person wins best answer?

    can anyone add my fan code. I need some fans. Instant $100000 in the game and first person to add me gets best answer

    5 AnswersVideo & Online Games7 years ago
  • Looking for Jobs in Toronto- Any Suggesitons?

    I need to find a summer job. I am a teen and I live in the Toronto area. are there any sites that are safe where i can find a job???

    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment7 years ago
  • How do I cite a quote??? I Need HELP FAST!!!?

    I need help to cite a quote in MLA format for a bibliography. How do I do it??? Any help is appreciated. Can someone just give the basic format. the quote is from a website BTW.


    4 AnswersQuotations7 years ago
  • Question about Pokemon Nuzlocke?

    Hey everyone, I was wondering, if I record Pokemon Nuzlocke(Firered)(for youtube), can I train off screen or is that considered cheating?

    Thanks in advance

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games7 years ago
  • Any Gameboy/DS emulators?

    My question is, are there any gameboy or ds emulators that are safe to download. Also, are there any safe sites for GB/DS games???

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games7 years ago
  • Something wrong with the emulator??

    I downloaded Project 64, a N64 emulator. Then I downloaded NBA Live 2000 from Coolrom. Next, I try to play but the games graphics glitch and I cannot play it. Any ideas???

    8 AnswersVideo & Online Games7 years ago
  • Something Wrong with Google Chrome?

    Before, everytime I open a link, the same tab goes to the link. Now, everytime I click on a link, a new tab opens and it goes to the link with the new tab. Why is that and is there a way to stop it??? It is really frustrating to always have to close the other tabs

    Thanks in advance

    1 AnswerGoogle7 years ago
  • Something Wrong with Google Chrome?

    Before, everytime I open a link, the same tab goes to the link. Now, everytime I click on a link, a new tab opens and it goes to the link with the new tab. Why is that and is there a way to stop it??? It is really frustrating to always have to close the other tabs

    Thanks in advance

    1 AnswerGoogle7 years ago
  • Sochi 2014 Winter Olympic predictions??

    Which country do you think will get the most medals??? What about gold medals??? Also, do you think there will be any problems such as bombings???

    Tell me your thoughts.

    9 AnswersOlympics7 years ago
  • Something wrong with my charger for my laptop??

    I have a Dell inspiron. Everytime I plug my charger in, it doesnt even charge. The green light shows on the charger thing but the laptop is not charging. Why is that. I am currently using my desktop but I need my laptop as it has all my stuff. What is wrong? Is it the charger, laptop, or battery of the laptop???

    1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks7 years ago
  • Reaction Question(Different One)(Chemistry)?

    Hey everyone, I did a lab in school today and I have to fill in a lab report. In the report, it asks, reaction evidence. What does that mean???

    Easy 10 points!

    2 AnswersChemistry7 years ago
  • Question on Types of Reactions(Chemistry)--> EASY 10 Points?

    Hey everyone, Lets say I have SULFURIC ACID ad SODIUM HYDROXIDE. If I mix those 2, do I form a neutralization reaction???

    If so,will the answer be like this:

    Sulfuric Acid+Sodium Hydroxide = Water + Sodium Sulfate


    3 AnswersChemistry7 years ago
  • How to become a better Chessplayer?

    Ok, long story short, everytime I play my friends in chess, I lose in less than 5 minutes. I need some tips to improve. Any help is appreciated.


    6 AnswersBoard Games7 years ago
  • Question about Neo-Galaxy Eyes Photon Dragon?

    Let's say I have a XYZ monster on my field. I attack him but he uses book of moon on my XYZ. Then my opponent summons Neo-Galaxy Eyes Photon Dragon. He uses Neo-Galaxy Eyes Photon Dragon's effect by detaching and taking all overlay units of other XYZ's on my field. The only monster I have is the face-down XYZ monster.

    So my question is, will Neo-Galaxy Eyes Photon Dragons effect work on the face down

    1 AnswerCard Games7 years ago
  • How to work under Pressure better?

    Hey, I love to play basketball. Everytime I am playing for fun with friends or just practicing, my shot percentage is probably like 70-80%. I rarely miss.

    When it comes to game time, my shooting percentage drops to 40-50%. I guess with games, their are fans cheering you on and giving pressure.

    So my question is, what tips can you offer that will help me maintain my shooting percentage in games

    3 AnswersBasketball7 years ago