Yahoo Answers is shutting down on 4 May 2021 (Eastern Time) and the Yahoo Answers website is now in read-only mode. There will be no changes to other Yahoo properties or services, or your Yahoo account. You can find more information about the Yahoo Answers shutdown and how to download your data on this help page.

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Other - Internet


  • How to post on reddit?

    Many have problems with it.

    2 Answers7 days ago
  • Why can't I view any profiles in answerbag?

    I just get a "Temporarily unavailable. Please check back in an hour." but it's never fixed

    7 days ago
  • Can u write on money ?

    I swear every time I get money  I actually see people Twitter username account like come on but I’m wondering  can u get into trouble writing on Money 

    4 Answers1 week ago
  • Not a question, but a farewell post?

    Dear Yahoo, Thank you so much for creating this site. Over its 16 years of operation, this site has helped me and countless others with a wide variety of things. Since the site will be in read only mode two days from now, this is my final post. I appreciate the fact this site has been running for 16 years, as mentioned above. It is a sad reality to see such a useful and friendly site at least from my perspective, say its final farewell.

    If possible I would love to take ownership of the site, and have a copy of it in all its entirety so that maybe some day, I could relaunch it, and again provide users a great experience like you have done here. I promise I would take great care of it, and archive it someplace safe. ( on a side note, I do not have much money)  If you would like to contact me about this  I would be glad to talk to you about this, you can contact me in the following ways:

    Twitter: @toshibalaptops3

    Reddit: u/potatomolehill

    Discord server:

    Other communities I own:

    I would also like to web scrape this site, which is basically making an entire copy of the site (I have no idea about databases or any of that)

    If you could please contact me above I would dearly appreciate it.

    Thank You,

    A user that will sincerely miss this site.

    1 Answer1 week ago
  • is there any way into my mom’s old account?

    excuse me I’m losing it here. my mom died 10 years ago. It sent me and my dad into a dissociative state.We both have ptsd, just trying to get through each day. I don’t know how so many years have passed, I have schizophrenia&just recently found medication that works keeping the hallucinations away. I’m 23 and finally learning how to get things in order. But this has been tearing at me: when I was younger my parents weren’t around much, I would ask yahoo answers for advice on everything, even on how to deal w her passing. That acc was linked to my moms for recovery. Her recovery email was our old cable provider. I can’t even see the emails I sent her as a kid, her telling me she loved me. I had access to it until 2015.She told me her password. I had approval from her to use it. I had it written down in my notebook, we got evicted and they emptied our house before the date they gave us. We lost all of our things, focused on that legally and that we got replacement textbooks and somewhere to even live. Been looking everywhere and it’s not here. I need access to the ones she answered: anything she said. She told me there was so many things she couldn’t tell me until I was older. I don’t have anything left of her. Last time I sat with the realization that the account was probably gone I had to be hospitalized and sedated, now with yahoo answers going away soon I seriously can’t handle it. I feel like that’s my only connection to my childhood and I desperately need to remember her

    1 Answer1 week ago
  • What does "Youlou" means??

    2 Answers1 week ago
  • Why does my instagram show that my friend is following 1,078 people but on my other account it shows that she follows 1,079?

    On my instagram analytics app it doesn’t show that anyone has me blocked so i’m confused. 

    1 week ago