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    Which car should I buy for my first car?

    Favourite answer:

    All three are bad choices. Fiat consistently ranks near the bottom or at the bottom in terms of reliability. Electric cars have limited range and charging stations are few. The automatic transmissions in Ford Fiestas are garbage.

    Nissans in general are not as good as Hondas and Toyotas. The CVT (continuously variable transmission) they put in most models are known to fail before 100,000 miles.

    A good first car is a Toyota Corolla. If you must have a hatchback, look for a well-maintained Toyota Matrix.

    5 Answers2 years ago
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    Have scientists, unlike other humans, evolved beyond primitive instincts?

    Most humans are concerned only with their immediate pleasure and focus primarily on sex, food, drugs/alcohol, etc. Their decisions are guided by emotions, while scientists are guided by reason. Most people have primitive instincts and brain chemicals. Have scientists evolved beyond this?

    3 Answers2 years ago