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Sheff asked in EnvironmentGreen Living · 4 months ago

Power Station?

What do you think would be better for a city’s next power station? The first one is the installation of a natural gas power station. The second one is for the installation of a solar panel power station. Which would be the best for the people living in the city as well as the city’s environment?

13 Answers

  • Anonymous
    2 months ago

    Where is the city? That has a major impact as to whether solar power is feasible.

  • Anonymous
    2 months ago

    Solar prices have gone way down. The city would be smart to take advantage of this and invest in the future. Definitely the solar. Anyway, there will be some mandates in the coming years for green energy. So the city should just get in line with it now. 

  • F
    Lv 7
    4 months ago

    Where is the city? That has a major impact as to whether solar power is feasible.

  • 4 months ago

    For the city's current circumstance, the sun powered establishment, no inquiry. From the stance of capital cost, the gaseous petrol. From the stance of working cost, sun based once more. This is all accepting that the city is a radiant one.

  • 4 months ago

    This examination was done on 65 laborers working in force station I (Shoubra El-Kheima) where they are presented to gaseous petrol and mazout, 74 specialists in force station II (El-Gharb) where there is mazout openness just and 74 people going about as controls. Every one of these people were admitted to a survey, inspected clinically and they were researched to evaluate their respiratory, liver and kidney work tests. This is notwithstanding a total blood picture. Air contamination inside these stations was surveyed. The examination pointed toward deciding the contaminations inside and outside the stations and to explore the wellbeing risks of the laborers presented to these toxins. It pointed likewise to check whether it is significant and pressing to supplant the mazout by petroleum gas as a fuel in these force stations. The outcomes indicated that results of mazout have terrible impact on the climate. When mazout is utilized alone as a fuel, it adversy affects the respiratory framework and the liver. There is a requirement for an imminent report to evaluate the causal connection between mazout side-effects and wellbeing dangers prior to taking the choice of supplanting mazout by flammable gas.

  • 4 months ago

    For the city's environment, the solar installation, no question. From the standpoint of capital cost, the natural gas. From the standpoint of operating cost, solar again. This is all assuming that the city is a sunny one. 

  • Anonymous
    4 months ago

    NG power station would be useless without a NG line to the area.   Solar panels would be useless in Alaska.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    4 months ago

    It depends on what happens to the existing power stations - your question makes it seem the current power production systems will remain and this "next one" augments it/them.

    Since peak power usage normally happens during the day - under hot weather conditions - augmenting the existing power production with a large solar array would be more beneficial.

    If the "next power station" is replacing the existing power production infrastructure, the only way solar makes sense is if a very large power storage project is included to deal with over-night. Though a lot of consideration needs to be made about cloudy days, too. In this case, it may be more beneficial to use a natural gas power generation system as it will provide power regardless of time-of-day or weather conditions.

  • 4 months ago

    If you want to put the lights on at night and have industries, restaurants etc, then it’s the gas one or a coal one.

  • 4 months ago

    For the city's environment, the solar installation, no question. From the standpoint of capital cost, the natural gas. From the standpoint of operating cost, solar again. This is all assuming that the city is a sunny one. 

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