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  • gimmicks in job applications?

    I have worked for the NHS and decided to have a career change and jump into marketing. I realised that branding, PR, advertising agencies want creative people and are very specific in choosing the right candidate. I am more into account handling or strategic planning, although I don't have experience in it, so far, I have a BA in Marketing but never used it in my professional life.

    If I send my CV with a very original (prospective) cover letter will I get noticed and called up for an interview or will this be my death sentence?

    5 AnswersMarketing & Sales1 decade ago
  • grant or funding for drama school?

    I would like to know what should I do to get a grant or scholarship to fund my course. I know that there are several charities, unions and organisations that may do this, but what do I have to do to get someone interested in me? what should I offer in exchange?

    3 AnswersFinancial Aid1 decade ago
  • How hard is it to get a Marketing Job?

    I have been working in the NHS as PA for a Head of Department, I couldn't take other jobs in the past due to personal reasons. I would like to get into the private industry, specially in Marketing, but have no work experience in that. The only Marketing knowledge I have is my BA in Marketing...

    4 AnswersMarketing & Sales1 decade ago
  • Good acupuncturist in London?

    I need to know where can I find a GOOD acupuncturist in London, no scams wanted please... a reliable source of information would be appreciated, if you have any references I would be grateful to have them...

    2 AnswersMen's Health1 decade ago
  • statistics - sample size?

    I am writing a thesis on "Violence in NHS Hospitals". Part of my investigation involves a study on NHS Staff. I have a questionnaire with 15 questions to apply but cannot calculate the sample size to make this research project representative to the population. Cuantitative variables have a formula to calculate this after a pilot test, but my main variable is CUALITATIVE, how do I calculate it? HEEEELLP!

    4 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • Estadística - como obtengo el tamaño de muestra de una variable cualitativa?

    Estoy diseñando un estudio sobre la violencia en Hospitales Publicos. Mi cuestionario tiene 15 preguntas y las variables principales son:

    Cualitativa Nominal - respuestas 0)No 1)Sí

    Cualitativa Ordinal - (frecuencia de abuso por campos) respuestas 1-5 veces, 6-10 veces, etc.

    Como calculo el tamaño de muestra si las formulas que conozco son solo para variables cuantitativas donde si existen medidas centralizadoras y de dispersión?


    2 AnswersMatemáticas1 decade ago
  • Why do hair conditioners make your hair fall?

    When I use a conditioner and then rinse it out in the shower, lots of hair falls from my head... is it just me?

    7 AnswersHair1 decade ago