Yahoo Answers is shutting down on 4 May 2021 (Eastern Time) and the Yahoo Answers website is now in read-only mode. There will be no changes to other Yahoo properties or services, or your Yahoo account. You can find more information about the Yahoo Answers shutdown and how to download your data on this help page.

Lv 44,272 points

ashley xo.(:

Favourite answers65%

Hey! :) Welcome to my page! I'm Ashley :) Ashley: - gets hyper easily - is very random - is music-addicted - is quite shy - is chatty - is nerdy sometimes - is a chocoholic - is easily amused - laughs at practically everything - loves the color pink - loves Twilight - loves the Jonas Brothers - loves Edward Cullen <3 <3 - is a big fan of Taylor Swift & Paramore That's me! :) Feel free to add me :) I add back everyone!