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Lv 59,179 points

The Blade

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I am Rob and I study Geology at University in the UK.

  • Car leases making profit part 2?

    A follow up on my previous question. So dealers sell cars to leasers and thats how dealers make money, because they sell to leaders for the mark up MSRP. The leaser leases it, also charging a mark up with interest, and that is how they make their money? So what if the Ford motoring company was leasing under the name Ford Lease, which is the case. Ford doesn't sell them the cars right, Ford Lease acquires them for no cost, as they are owned by the same umbrella, and therefore can take a car at cost price and go straight to leasing it at MSRP? Is that the case? if so, how can non-affiliated leasers compete?

    Thanks again

    3 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation6 years ago
  • How do car dealers make profit on leases?

    So Ford have a Fiesta that supposedly costs a recommended price of £14540. They ask £178 a month and 3 months upfront = 6764. So they take the car back at the end. The car has depreciated by %60 say after 3 years of lease. So it is now worth to Ford to sell on: £5816. So they lose £8724 in depreciation. How is it that I read dealers prefer to lease as they make more money? It looks like a big loss to me, as they have to front the depreciation and in this case arent charging enough to cover it??

    6 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation6 years ago
  • Something is wrong with me, what is it?

    On tuesday 6th november at 7pm, I ate a pizza and then when I woke up on 7th november I was sick at 8am, and it was really watery not the bulk of the pizza, just the chilis and stuff from the top. (sorry for the detail). Anyway, for the rest of that day i felt crap and had a headache, slept for hours in the afternoon. Any way I feel better in terms of tiredness and sickness, I feel healthy. However 64 hours have gone since I ate that pizza and all I have eaten is a baguette, 3 cookies and a bag of grapes. Usually I would eat that just for one meal time (Im not fat, just eat a lot usually). Strange thing is, that is about 1500 calories and daily intake is recommended at 2500, so I should have consumed about 6750. And I do not feel hungry. I am quite worried but why am I not hungry? :(

    4 AnswersOther - General Health Care9 years ago
  • Does an electric oil heater produce carbon monoxide?

    Yeah so it is bloody cold today and I thought I'd put this heater on as I live in a little room at uni which has no radiator. It is powered by electricity, but I guess there is some sort of oil inside of it which heats up, does this produce CO? Don't really want to die while I am typing up this report haha.

    4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs9 years ago
  • Could this be anything other than meningitis?

    Yesterday morning I woke up with these little areas (2 of them quite close) that are red and have grown a little bit since. They are quite itchy too. Now I did the meningitis glass test and the little red areas remain the same colour. I am quite worried as I don't usually go to the doctors if anything like this happens (which isnt often)... And whenever I get bad colds I just ride them out and the last time I've been to the doctor is like 5 years ago (Im 19). I don't have time to go to the doctors now anyway as I have to drive to Scotland tomorrow for a month of mapping for my 3rd year of uni. I am willing to ride this problem out as there is nothing I can do. Is there anything that it could be that isn't meningitis? And what are the next symptoms I should have if it is meningitis? I have people relying on me so it really cant be meningitis. Thanks :/

    1 AnswerInfectious Diseases9 years ago
  • What do the venezuelan people think about Hugo Chavez's comments about the death of Gaddafi?

    If David Cameron said that, he would be toppled himself! I was just wondering what the Venezuelan people think of Chavez's opinions on what happened in Libya, and what are their opinions themselves about what is happening. Anyone Venezuelan, like to share the light? Or does anyone know where I can find out? I am just curious... Surely this man cannot represent 28million people with such views?

    1 AnswerCurrent Events10 years ago
  • Are these eggs safe to eat?

    I am wanting to make an omelette, and have some eggs which the box says best before 10th august. It is the 14th today... I have put them in water, and the large end floats, but the small end stays on the bottom of the container. Are they safe to make an omelette out of?

    8 AnswersCooking & Recipes10 years ago
  • What was the TV programme called?

    I remember watching a TV program a few years ago which was about reinacting past battles and allowing people to controls their armies on a table and then watch the battle happen on a screen. Can't remember much more than that, but the contestant or historian or whoever was in control could position their army about the battlefield and tell them what to do like flank and stuff.

    3 AnswersOther - Television1 decade ago
  • Is it best to tell a girl you like her or ask her what she thinks of you?

    Yup so I really like this girl and so does someone else :P (Obvious ;)) So I need to move quick! I am fine with telling her what I think but I don't want to say so in case that's not what she thinks... So I feel like I should just bring up in conversation what she thinks of others and then what she thinks of me... Which is best to do? Thanks

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • No blood circulation to arms?

    So last night... I woke up and I didn't know why... Until I tried moving my arms and I could barely feel them... They were so heavy to move and just felt numb, just like if you lie on one for a while of time. Except I was lying on my back and pretty sure there was nothing that could be doing this. I panicked of course and then just flopped onto the floor for a minute or so to get the blood back into them... and they were fine. But was is causing this? I think it happened a few weeks ago too! And cause this be potentially harmful? If they go without blood for a certain timeframe? Is this even related to blood circulation? Because it is very alarming when you wake up in the middle of the night and you cant feel your arms... Thanks

    2 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • No TV signal at Uni, how do I get some?

    I took my TV to uni, and have an aerial and I paid for my license... Is there anything I could do? Like does it need resetting... Because it is a bit silly having to pay the license if I cant watch anything...

    1 AnswerTVs1 decade ago
  • Solve this inequality?

    It is:


    I got x > 13/8

    But the answer says x> 3/8

    Is it possible the answers are wrong xD? Because im confused

    Which is the right answer?

    1 AnswerMathematics1 decade ago
  • Quadratic Equation help?

    Hello, ok I have done two simpler equations by myself and I cant to the other two. I have the answers, but need to know step by step how they are gotten.

    I must answer it using the -b +- (square root b^2 - 4ac)/2 formula

    z^2 - 6z + 7 = 0


    x^2/3 + 3x - 2 = 0

    Thanks again

    3 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • Simultaneous Equations help?

    Hi, I haven't done any maths for a while and I can't solve these equations :|

    I have the answers, but that is no use. I'd like someone to go through each part step by step so I can do it myself in future, thanks

    a - b = 8

    2a + 2b = 32


    a + 2b - 3c = 0

    2a + b + c = 8

    5a - 2b - c = 7

    8 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • Are internet advertisements based on history?

    Right today, I was watching tv, and dragons den was on and it was showing previous items that had been pitched and 'Ratstrap' was shown... So I checked out google to see how much they costed just because I was bored... And I ended up on '' and I saw the rapstrap item.

    Right, so 5 hours later... I am on urbandictionary looking up a definition and in the middle of the page is an advert for '' and the ratstrap item was shown on it...

    Are internet advertisements based on your previous history or was that just the weirdest coincidence?

    1 AnswerOther - Internet1 decade ago
  • What is 187x10^3 in SIF and also Pi? And what is c?

    What is the number 187x10^3 in standard index form? And what is pi in standard index form?

    And not related to them but:

    in E=mc^2:the dimensions of E = ML^2T^-2 and what are the dimensions of c?



    2 AnswersMathematics1 decade ago
  • I was just sick after a bike ride is it normal?

    I use to go on a bike ride a couple of times a week, but I haven't been for 2 months so I just went on a 10 mile one, it was quite hilly, so wore me out... But when I got back I was sick a little when I had a glass of water, is this normal?

    3 AnswersMen's Health1 decade ago
  • I can't hear out of my ear how do I sort it?

    Hi, I had a really itchy ear just now, and I put my finger in to itch it, and now it feels really funny like, i can still hear but it feels muffled like somethings in it xD What do you think it is, and how can i get my ear back to normal lol?

    2 AnswersInjuries1 decade ago
  • How do I free memory on my laptop?

    So... My laptop is full of memory again even though I haven't installed any games, or anything large in size... I don't understand how its filling up. I had the same problem 4 months ago (my other questions) and i did the disk cleanup and saved 3GB space. I did the disk cleanup today and saved 600MB... So what the hell took up the 2.4GB that I saved last time? This is a joke. My laptop sais i have 80GB HDD on the sticker, yet my C: drive has only 32.5GB space... 19GB of this is used by a windows folder... Which means I have 13.5GB of space to myself... How do i clear it up? And what can I do?

    3 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • Why is my laptop full of memory? ?

    My latop has 142MB out of 32GB of space left. I dont understand, as I deleted every game off it, deleted lots of pictures and work, I have hardly anything on it, yet it is so full??

    The Windows folder has 19GB, and the Font one within it has 9GB of space. This is a stupid amount of space? How do I get rid of it without deleting important stuff?

    And why do I only have 32.5GB when it sais that the laptop has a 80GB HDD?

    6 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago