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  • employment law & directive time working ( uk )?

    my employer over the Christmas period opened the shop on 17th & 24th ( as extra trading days ).

    Staff had BANK HOLIDAYS off as holiday ( 25&26th and 1-1-18 ).

    So efficiently staff were using their holiday as " days off " on rota, as none given.

    So this week we had 31-1-17 off as store closed, 1-1-18 as holiday and the next 5 days in work.

    Is this legal? if not actually why not

    4 AnswersLaw & Legal3 years ago
  • clarity on how much I should get back after I have left the rent sector?

    need clarity, I moved into a house 3 years ago. It was the 3rd week off the month, paid 500 deposit and 1000 for one months rent in advance.

    I moved out end of june, last rent I paid was end of May.

    How much should I get back ?

    5 AnswersRenting & Real Estate4 years ago
  • samsung fame?

    Had this phone in November 2013...I'm not into " small tech " stuff.

    The other day I was sending Texts to a friend, fine all good.

    What I didn't know was these texts where being sent to someone else, without me knowing!!!!

    How is that possible?

    What do I do to stop it happening again?

    At a loss as to why???

    1 AnswerMobile Phones & Plans7 years ago
  • is it possible to retrieve data once the hard drive has been wiped?

    Is it possible, if so how?

    or will it cost to sent to a pc repair shop.

    2 AnswersDesktops7 years ago
  • advice on what this means?

    The other day, my wife smiled & said she didn't love me anymore. So mixed up, words don't go with her smile. Was she testing, gauging a reaction what?!?!??

    3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years ago
  • wife WON'T talk to me, it's killing me inside?

    Help, what can I do?.?

    My wife hasn't spoken to me for a 1 month. When we did get time to chat ( 5 days after we had arranged it ), she now wants to separate.

    She at present is just showing anger & wanting to fight.

    Trying to explain that if we had talked during the month we won't be in this situation.

    In oct we started to argue, both of us getting low, it effected her more then me. In Feb we decided to give the relationship a year. Though support & love from friends.

    End of March, i started to feel the strain of work, losing 1/3 rd of wages, going in doing more time to make up the loss.

    Start of April, asked wife to ease off, I become low & exhausted. Didn't excerise went to bed early and started to smoke.

    I know things weren't right and started to email from work asking to talk, spend time together. But because of me feeling low, ( moody / grumpy where the words used ) none of this happened.

    What can I do to get her to talk to me, for her to understand the strain, for this relationship fragile hurdle to be overcome.

    Love her & the kids lots, just lost and need a new method. What are people thoughts or ideas on improving.

    It are wedding anniversary next month, we've been together 12 years, worked out stuff. But the last 7 months haven't been

    we did go to relate in Nov, it wasn't as good as it used to be.

    Within the parish, there are a couple who help out. They contacted the wife a couple of days ago, who said that the timing wasn't right ( is that a glimmer of hope? )

    During Nov, i was writting her letters. HAve done a couple this week. But she point blank refuses to read them

    6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years ago
  • help, what can I do?.?

    My wife hasn't spoken to me for a 1 month. When we did get time to chat ( 5 days after we had arranged it ), she now wants to separate.

    She at present is just showing anger & wanting to fight.

    Trying to explain that if we had talked during the month we won't be in this situation.

    In oct we started to argue, both of us getting low, it effected her more then me. In Feb we decided to give the relationship a year. Though support & love from friends.

    End of March, i started to feel the strain of work, losing 1/3 rd of wages, going in doing more time to make up the loss.

    Start of April, asked wife to ease off, I become low & exhausted. Didn't excerise went to bed early and started to smoke.

    I know things weren't right and started to email from work asking to talk, spend time together. But because of me feeling low, ( moody / grumpy where the words used ) none of this happened.

    What can I do to get her to talk to me, for her to understand the strain, for this relationship fragile hurdle to be overcome.

    Love her & the kids lots, just lost and need a new method. What are people thoughts or ideas on improving.

    It are wedding anniversary next month, we've been together 12 years, worked out stuff. But the last 7 months haven't been

    3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years ago
  • When Women say " you just don't get it " WHAT does it mean?.?

    Marriage is tough a the mo, wife has depression :(

    Trying to tip-toe round her so not to cause any dis-agreements.

    However last night we had " one " of those chats.

    "You just don't get it, do you "........" no please explain,I don; understand, I'm a man and need to be told directly !!"

    "oh you never listen, whats the point "

    Ok can anyone explain what she means, or is it the depression talking?.

    I'm lost, and coping to save the marriage. Any clues people

    13 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • working abroad?

    I'm thinking of moving abroad too work, somewhere like oz.

    Whats the best way to go about it, how long will it take,

    I've lots of experience in managment retail and health and safety. So i can sure that i could get in on a points system. Just unsure on how to go about it?.

    Any info would be great, who to contact, websites, links and the such.

    Thanks in advance wg

    4 AnswersImmigration1 decade ago
  • working abroad?

    I'm thinking of moving abroad too work, somewhere like oz.

    Whats the best way to go about it, how long will it take,

    I've lots of experience in managment retail and health and safety. So i can sure that i could get in on a points system. Just unsure on how to go about it?.

    Any info would be great, who to contact, websites, links and the such.

    Thanks in advance wg

    3 AnswersCareers & Employment1 decade ago
  • right information from CSA?

    Story so far, 5 years ago i got divorced from my wife, not knowing about the affairs. She got 95% equilty of the house ( and left me with the credit cards bills ) so that the kids could have a roof over their heads.

    3 years ago she remarried, moved up north, and in the last few months i've had the unpleasant dealing of the CSA ( bear in mind she wasn't that bothered when she had the money or single ).

    Given that she has had more then enough dosh from me,do the CSA take this account ( believe me i've asked, but never get a satisfiy answer ).

    As all i get is " it's the law " which doesn't justify, which part of the law?. And when pressed on this issuse, i have the phone put down on me, how nice!.

    All i'm asking for is an answer, not to much to ask for, from the csa.

    I'm sure that if you had £200 out of your wages you what want a honest answer to.

    My partner has problems trying to get money from CSA, they do condrict themsevels.

    any info or links on how best to tackle the csa.

    5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • backward compactable ps3?

    as the uk model isn't backward compactable, i'm thinking of importing a ps3 from the use ( before they plug that loop-hole ). just so i can play ALL my ps2 games on it. BUT if i then buy any ps3 games in the uk, will the usa model play them. Or will i have to import the games as well?. ALSO as the blu-ray upscales will it play region 2 dvd?.

    thanks in advance

    6 AnswersGames & Gear1 decade ago
  • Do you think that if we all greeted each other,?

    instead og ignoring each other, then would it be a better place to live, given todays sad surrounding environment.

    11 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • fraud or dragging heels?

    long storty short, after will was read 14 months ago, i'm still awaiting the kids money from the great gran. They gran was excuter to the will. Several things have been said," its all tied up " getting it soon ". We believe that she has spent the money or invested into a tied issuse.

    Legally she has 12 months to pay up, and boy does she know this.

    Legal letters now go unanswered, all the other children ( my brothers and sisters ) still have nothing.

    Have gone down the long wait see what happens.

    BUT is it a civil matter OR NOW BECOMES FRAUD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    any help or links will be gratfully accepted

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • csa don't care how much I've given already!!!!!!!!?

    My divorce came though in 2002, she got 95% equity of the house, so that the kids could have a roof over there house. I was left with not enough to pay the credit cards. All quiet til a year ago, she remarried and I now have a new partner ( with children ). Not only do the csa NOT take account of the lum sum given, but also the family tax credits of new parnter!!!!!.

    Does anyone know if there is a law to say that I've given a lum sum, and this should be taken into ACCOUNT. as i don't trust the thieving so and sos at the CSA.

    CSA is a total nightmare, wheather your a nrp or looking after the child, there just make everyone lifes a misrey. WE CAN ALL AGREE ON THAT.


    10 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • does this site really help those in need!!!!!?

    Both myself and my partner have been using this site , to try and reslove our issuses. However, I've been using it to try new things. As with everything there is 2 sides to a story, and although most advice is helpful, some are not. The question cannot be complete and only " snap shot " of the issuse is given therefore only half the question is answered. The " debates " that me and my parnter have over this has not helped our situation. As some points in the answer are biased. Does anyone else feel the same?, what are your points on this. And yes I understand that the advice is just that, as its not from a professionial

    8 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • what is going on!!!!!?

    My partner is going through depression, however if i ask her questions about her day, and what shes being doing i'm intrograting her. If i dont ask then i'm uncaring. How can I win?.ie she never mentioned seeing the doctor yesterday, so a bit shocked that shes been signed of sick for a week!. never said a word, the lack of communication isn't helping this fragile relationship.

    18 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • does don't know mean no?

    Since the 8th september, my partner did an annulment form for the church, so that we could get married. Since then she has become distance towards me, very snappy, harsh tone, no affection or physcial contact. At one point she wanted to end the relationship. She has now amitted to being depressed and seen the doctor. And is recieving treatment towards it. However she still contiunes to be distant to me, when I asked how the relationship is or or if things will get better it's a " DON'T KNOW ". living in this environment is hurtful. I've told her how much I love her and care for her. But if she loved me back would she treat me like this?. The lack of contact, she moves away from even when I try and hug her or hold her hand, is frustrating but does it mean something else?

    11 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • what do woman mean when they say " don't know "?

    been in a great relationship for 4 1/2 years. The last few months has been very difficult, both of us have stress at work, both working full time. With a house full of children ( 5 ) its hard to get " together time ". The relationship has gone stale. When I've tried to help out, or do stuff to make together time, shes going round her ex's. Everytime I want to talk about the relationship I get negative body lanuage and a " don't know " answer. I love her to bits, but at the moment I feel as i've lost my best friend, lover, partner and confident. Is she protecting herself whilst she gets better?, is she wanting to end it?, will time heal the wounds?. So many questions but living in the Dont know hurts.

    10 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago