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  • Pain of losing a dog?

    I lost my dog last Wednesday night when she was hit by a car. We walked her in an enclosed park, but she saw a fox and chased it under a fence and out onto a road. She was hit badly and we could not get to her, the fence was really high and we could not get under. It took us about 20 mins to go get our car drive around to the road she was. The women who knocked her down stayed with her. She was in so much pain and dazed. This dog came to me by total chance on July 17the 2012 and she lost her life on July 17th 2013. I have another dog who is 16 years old. Katie my dog who died that night was full of love, life and fun. I loved her SO much and from the moment she came into my life she made it better. She was totally white in colour with big brown eyes and the most gentle dog i ve have ever known. She almost hugged you when you got home from being out. She was very clever, a mix bread of huskie and lab. the whole family loved her, i have two teenagers who at first thought she was going to be a pain, needing to be walked, and cleaned up after. But Katie won their hearts very quickly. We drove around looking for a vets, i held her in the back of the car and my heart was breaking as i could not help her. When we got a vet, he told us her injuries where very bad and it would be kinder to put her to sleep. I held her as he put the needle in her paw. She looked at me as he did it and the pain in my heart has not left since then. I know it is only two days and it is normal to feel saddness after the loss of a pet. But i feel so lost without her, we all do. I wake up crying, and go to sleep crying. I just want to hold her one more time, or to hear her playing with her ball. She loved water and i would bring her swimming in the sea. My older dog misses her too and is confussed as to where she is. Coming home that night and having to tell my children she was gone was so hard. I feel this pain will never ease, i just miss her So much and life seems awful without her. Some people think it is silly too go on like this over a dog. So i try not to talk too much about it with friends. Has anyone ever gone through this? i have lost pets before, but this dog was specail and i loved her so much. How long before the pain eases? grateful for any advice. thanks.

    4 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • Tips on giving up smoking.?

    Pathes - no. Tried and I would need to put them over my eyes so I can not find my cigarettes! I have tried it all and I am now starting to think, I am hooked for life. I know, I know, I know, I have lived long enough to know it is all about wanting to do it, being ready mentally, it is up to me to make up my mind to do it, GOD knows I have had to do this with many other things in my life. But for some reason, my logic brain tells me, "smoking is stupid, a waste of your health and money" However I love SO much the feeling of relaxing with a coffee and a cigarette. What is the answer? is the guilt doing more harm then the cigarettes?

    5 AnswersRespiratory Diseases8 years ago
  • Ginger tea. Anyone tried it? affects, good or bad?

    Been hearing a lot about Ginger tea and how good it is for you? has anyone tried this and if so, what affects have you seen? Good or bad? Thanks.

    4 AnswersNon-Alcoholic Drinks8 years ago
  • What is wrong with our world when so many teens on here saying how they want to end their lifes?

    Have you noticed how many teens are on here saying how they want to end their lives! I know, teens, hormones etc.. however I would always take a statement like, I want to die, seriously and listen to the teenager. A lot of the time they are serious, and to them it is the end of the world for whatever reason. I just think we need to teach life skills in schools more. The mental health issues that are shielded by sigma in most countries need to be confronted. Someone needs to tell young teens, young adults that is okay not to feel okay, that it is okay to talk about it. Someone always needs to help them understand that life is not easy, that problems will arise but they can learn to overcome these problems and have a more positive attitude towards their problems. What do you think should be done? I think it is scary that they are putting up a question of "I want to take my own life, can anyone help me" on here. People who are not qualified are answering these venerable young people. These are human lives we are talking about. So much about abortion, rightly so, but how about we scream just as loud about the children who are here and need help. What do you think?

    5 AnswersOther - Society & Culture8 years ago
  • Should i look for him?

    3 years ago my X whom I was married to for 15 years, knew 20 years, separated from for 6 years (total of knowing him 26 years) went missing. This was not the first time, he has a gambling problem. Very young when we meet, married, two children, a - l o n g - story... too long and personal to put on here. However the first time he went missing, he was running form his lies, debts etc.. my kids where young, I did nt see it coming, I thought he was doing okay. Bang!! a couple of weeks before Christmas my world and my kids fell apart. I looked for him, I went through hell and back, questioned by police, threatened by people he owed money too etc. etc. etc.. Anyway he came back, I tried to help him get well, he did nt try, it ended. He remarried very quickly, two other kids with someone else, kept in touch with our children on and off. Three years ago he said he was going to New Zealand for work, this was out of the blue, 24 hours notice. He promised our children, then teenagers of 13 and 16 he would keep in touch, left a number and that was it. We have never heard another word. My last words to him were, please do not hurt the children again!! Anyway I felt so angry and hurt that this had happen "again" even tho this time we were not married and so on, but still. I did not try to find out what had happened, tired of the whole thing. However for my kids sake I often wonder if I should, to bring closer for them. Part of me thinks he may not be alive, but I do not know? My kids now 19 and 16 both have different attitudes, the older one is angry and says he never wants to see him again, the younger one is just hurt and I think worries if he is alive. When they were small up to the ages of 10 and 7 (the age they were when we separated) they never saw him fall home drunk, or do anything other then behave in a normal way, he was a master lire and could charm the birds off the trees. He played with them and read to them at night, so it really was a shock to them when he went missing. This is the gambling addiction, they lead two lives, and begin to believe their own lies, they become very mentally unwell eventually, and dangerous to both themselves and those around them. It has one of the highest suicide rates of addictions. I have very much moved on with my life, in a new relationship, working, busy and enjoying life without all the drama and lies. However I would like some closer here, I feel myself and my kids deserve some truth and to know what happened. His family have disowned him and we don't keep contact. What would you do?? please I would like to hear some empathic answers. Thanks. :)

    1 AnswerFamily8 years ago
  • Have you ever sensed someone else is in the room?

    Out of the blue, you are not thinking of anything other then what to have for dinner that day or you could be in the middle of looking at a movie. Your alone, you sense someone is in the room, a chill runs down your spine and you get spooked. Ever happen to you. Happened to me the other night (no I was nt drinking or smoking any wacky baccy) I kept telling myself it was nothing and I was just imagining it. I got up to go the kitchen and let my dog out the back door, the dog looked into the room I had come from and barked!! yep.. My skin went cold. Dog kept looking into the room and then after about 8/10 minutes, I sensed whatever it was had gone. At exactly the same time as I got this sense the dog got up from the door of the room and up to her bed to sleep. Strange. Still trying to convince myself it was nothing, but just like to know if this has happened to anyone else out there and what you thought it was. Thanks. :)

    3 AnswersParanormal Phenomena8 years ago
  • The chicken or the egg question?

    Can children become addicts if one of their parents was an addict? that child did not live with the addict and was raised in a sable, secure, loving home. Is it in their blood? or is it only possible if the child is raised with the addict? repeating behaviour they have seen and see as normal behaviour. Is it in our genes who we become, of course not 100 percent, but part of our d.n.a. When our children display an artist streak, we quickly tell everyone "oh he/she gets that from my side of the family, or if one of our children is good at maths, sport etc.. we claim proudly how they have it in their genes. But when one of our children displays behaviour that is embarrassing e.g. drinking too much, gambling too much or any addictive behaviour. We raise our eyes to heaven and say " I just do not know where I went wrong" ? So my question is this, what comes first the chicken or the egg? Is all behaviour learnt, or is it in our blood, the sins of our fathers etc.. E.G. young boy who has never lived with his father begins to show signs of additive behaviour, his father was an addict. Is this in his blood from day one? or just a one in a million chance that he has also gone the wrong road. What do you think?

    2 AnswersPhilosophy8 years ago
  • Give flowers to the person when they are alive.?

    She pushed her hands deeper into her pockets, her step quicken, maybe if she walked faster she would walk off the edge of the earth, disappear, just disappear and never have to feel this pain again. The pavement became speckled with darker spots, more and more dark wet heavy spots of rain. She pulled her coat tight, holding it closed at her neck. Music spilled out from the shops she passed, but it just sounded like noise to her now, people smiling, shopping. She wanted to scream out loud that life can not go on, life will never be the same. She looked up to get her barrings, almost there, her footsteps became heavier now, the rain soaked her raven hair to her face, tears now mixed with the cold ice rain that fell. She could see the doorway in the distance, pushing past a man who stood at a bus stop, not noticing, not caring, she needed to get to the other side of that door. "Hey look where your going" the mans voice sounded like it was a voice from a dream, a nightmare. She placed her hand on the door, opened it quickly with the key she had held in her hand since leaving her apartment. She stepped inside, closing the door behind her. She could smell her in this place, it was as if part of her was woven into every fibre of this house. Walking slowly now she enter the living room, her chair, the cusion still with the imprint of her body form when she last set there. Tara sat on the floor and rested her head on the seat of the chair. For a moment she was back to being 10 years old and could feel her mother stroke her hair, she could hear her tell her everything would be okay. She closed her eyes and hoped she would wake and find out it was all just a bad dream. The sound of the letterbox woke Tara serval hours later. Jumping from where she lay on the floor beside her mothers chair Tara knocked over a vase. Picking it up she gazed at it, full of regret now Tara thought of all the times she had meant to buy her mother flowers. Tomorrow she would place flowers at her grave, such a pity she will not get to see them. To be continued. :)

    3 AnswersPhilosophy8 years ago
  • Does time go faster as we get older?

    Okay I know it does not actually go faster, but why does it seem the older I get the less time in the day I seem to have? Also the years fly by. Now we have all listened to our mothers/fathers, grandparents say how time goes faster as you get older!! But the strangest thing is, its true! It is not just that we have more responsibility as we get older, I used to think this was the reason. But no.. because even when I have a few days off and plan to just do the things I love to do, the day just flys by and I never seem to have enough time. One minute it is Christmas, and then next minute its here again, it feels like it sometimes. What do you think? oh and I am not 150 years old :) early 40s.

    5 AnswersPhilosophy8 years ago

    When driving and some idiot drives behind me with his/her headlights on :/ People standing in a doorway to chat. People who work in shops or restaurants who do not listen to you when you order, then repeat a wrong order to you, you correct it and they still give you the wrong order. People who drive too close behind you on a motorway, bullying your to get out of their way, even tho your doing the speed limit.

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture8 years ago
  • Has the internet improved or dis improved your life?

    I am old enough to have had a childhood without the internet. I played outside, climbed trees and used my imagination. When I wanted to speak with my friends I walked to their house, got to know their families. We saved up for a record of our favourite music, looked forward to a new movie coming out and read about the movie in the newspaper, no trailers, just our imagination fuelled by reading. We wrote letters, and our handwriting was as unique as we were. If I was bored I read, cycled, painted or joined a local club. Now I should say I am not 150 years old, I am only in my early 40s, but I feel lucky enough to have tasted this childhood that no one born after the 90s will ever experience again. The internet has made my life easier in SO many ways, and I enjoy sites such as this one. It is a great way to keep in touch with people etc.. and I can see the advantages However I do worry about the fact that it is addictive and I worry for the future of my grandchildren. Will the internet improve or dis improve our lives. I know there is always good and bad with everything, but I worry the internet will evolve the human race into something we do not even begin to imagine.

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Dammed if i do and dam ed if i don't?

    Married for 15 years to someone who was a gambler. A lot of lies and heartache. Two young sons, three weeks before Christmas he disappears, running from debt and lies. Went to police, was questioned, judged, put through hell and back. Children cried day and night.. Kept looking for him, he returned 3 months later. I took him back, Please do not judge me, I needed to get my kids family back together, that was my thinking then and yes I know now it was not healthy thinking. I had no support from anywhere, felt very alone and scared. Six months later, more lies, more heartache. End of marriage, my choice. Now fast forward 8 years, I tried to keep him and our kids in touch, let them build a relationship and when kids old enough they can make up their own minds on their father. I never spoke badly of him to them, but I was honest. Two years ago, he disappeared again!! Oldest child was 17, youngest 14. They had given him back their trust, and now he was gone! Two years later and nothing. This time I have not looked for him, kids don't talk much about him and we have moved on with our lives. When I do talk about him to them and ask how they feel about it, they roll their eyes to heaven and tell me to stop talking about it, and how they don t think much about it. However I see the scars left by this experience and if I stop talking to them about it, it seems worse. I really do feel like I am dammed if I do, and dammed if I don't. They just think I am self pitying when I speak about what happened, or ask them to talk about it. Any answers as to what I should do ?

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Living with all men. Not easy. HElP?

    I have two sons. 19 years old and 16 years old. Also a partner. Before I go on about what they do not do, I just want to say, they are not totally useless, selfish people. However they seem to be blind or have a touch of "could nt be arsed" ! They do not seem to see that the toilet roll is empty and needs to be replaced ? or see it and could nt be arsed to change it, I run into the house, ready to burst, run to the loo... ahhhhhhhh only to see, no loo roll.. They also do not seem to notice the floor needs cleaning, the dogs need to be feed, the washing needs to be sorted, the shopping needs to be done!! i could go on and on and on.. but then that would be moaning, would nt it? Well its actually communicating, but when your saying it day after day, it sounds like moaning. I go from saying it, to not saying, to getting angry to giving up. Any tips on making them listen and not having to try to ignore it and live in a tip. I work outside the home, drive and I am very independent. Do not run after my sons 24/7 and have always encouraged them to take care of themselves, but something went very wrong somewhere along the way. Help.

    7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years ago
  • If time did not exist?

    Okay I know we need to have clocks and count the days, months, years etc.. But have you ever wondered if we did nt what the world would be like? Who decided we sleep at night and wake during the day, who decided we eat at certain times of the day, and that when we reach 40 we should act/dress a certain way? What would happen if we did not know what age we were and had no idea of the year it was, day it was and just lived for now, this moment and enjoyed it. I know, I know this is not ever going to work in the real world as we know it, make a great movie tho.. and food for thought. What do you think/

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • If you have a good figure, size 12, but are 44 years old, are mini skirts, leggings mutton dressed as lamb?

    I love clothes, always have, and always will. I am 5ft 11 and size 12. I lost 30lbs in weight last year, a lot of hard work and it paid off. I am enjoying wearing clothes I love again, but sometimes question if I am too old now to wear leggings, skirts above my knee or some of the tops on the market at the moment. I do not like fast trashy clothes, I am talking about more sexy office clothes and leggings and nice tops etc.. still wear jeans (tight-ish) and enjoy doing my nails, hair and make up. People tell me Iook well, but heard a comment from someone I work with who said I need to dress more my age!! made me question how I dress and if I am mutton dressed as lamb!! Don't want to wear the flat shoes and cardie just yet :/ what do you think?? Please no hurtful answers. Thanks.

    8 AnswersFashion & Accessories8 years ago
  • strange behaviour after 7 years?

    In relationship for almost 7 years. He tells me all the time how much he loves me, shows me he loves me by walking the walk and not just talking the talk. I am divorced, he has never been married. I love him to bits, we laugh alot together and get on really well. He has NEVER mentioned marriage, never speaks about the future in this way. I brought it up few times in conversation about our future and how he sees it. His answer is always, my future is with you. But he never mentions conmittment. I am old fashioned in that i would not chase this and never ask out straight. However sometimes i find this behaviour strange, He is romantic and will buy flowers and say really nice things, this is one of the reasons why you would think he is not a guy who just does nt get it. Money is tight, but i am not talking big white wedding or even big wedding. I am just talking committment and feeling secure. What do you think?

    6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • do the eyes say it all?

    Do you think you can tell alot about a person by their eyes? Are the eyes the window to the soul? Can you tell if a person is telling truth, a kind person, an evil person by their eyes? What colour eyes are you more drawn too. Blue/Brown/ Green/ Hazel ? Does eye colour matter in how you comunnite with someone?

    5 AnswersPhilosophy9 years ago
  • What gives you peace, makes you feel cam/happy?

    Spending time with people I love, listening to my favourite music, a hot bath, a glass of wine, spending time talking with my kids, walking my dog, dancing,reading a good book, driving on a country road with my favourite music playing loud. Making love, cosy nights in, a good night out. Swimming in the sea, a rainy day spent at home with cups of tea and a good movie. A chat with a friend, getting my hair done. All these things make me feel at peace, happy and cam. In to-days world we often forget to take time to know ourselves and know how we can enjoy our life, enjoy what makes us happy. We spend so much time worring/working/stressed. Just doing something you enjoy can help your health and make life more enjoyable. But if you do not know what it is you enjoy, if it has been a very long time since you got to spend time knowing yourself, then it can just go around and around - stress/work/ stress/work etc etc... What makes you at peace/cam/ happy?

    6 AnswersPhilosophy9 years ago
  • Are you going to pay the house hold charge?

    What do you think about this charge and will you pay it? if not, why not, if yes, why?

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics9 years ago